Chapter 5

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After that heartbreaking moment Lauren was never the same anymore. When she was home all she did was lay on the couch. She couldn't function properly anymore. Had the younger girl this much power over her?

Weeks went by as Lauren slowly but surely regained herself again. She focused herself fully on her work. After all fashion designers were very busy people.

Same went for Camila. The first couple of weeks were extremely hard but after that she managed to focus herself on school. It didn't mean that she didn't miss the older girl everyday.

A week ago she had accepted Ariana's offer to go out and to her surprise... it wasn't even that bad. Today they decided to go on a second date. Camila didn't want to rush in to things she still loved Lauren very much. It was just that this was a good distraction and going on two dates is nothing major.

It was a little after five when they arrived at this restaurant Ariana was talking about. Camila's eyes grew wide as she recognized this place immediately. This was the restaurant across Lauren's work place.

Ofcourse when they stepped out of the car Lauren had to walk out. She looked at the younger girl and she could feel her breathing speed up and her heart do silly things. But when she noticed who Camila was with and how they were both dressed, her face got stone cold. She shook her head as she walked down the step not even giving the younger girl eye contact. She had to know that Camila was so quick to move on.

Camila noticed this. "Ariana, wait one second." Ariana looked confused but just nodded as Camila made her way to Lauren who was about to pass her. Camila stopped her. "What do you want? I need to walk home." Lauren said ice cold.

"This is not what you think.." Camila started carefully. Lauren's eyes shot up to meet hers. "I don't know what you're talking about. I am not your girlfriend anymore so I have no right to be jealous or have you explain me something. You can do whatever you want. Now can I please go?" Her voice was so emotionless.

"I still love you." Camila said firmly looking Lauren straight in the eyes. Lauren chuckled. "Okay now I really need to go. Take your bullshit somewhere else." She lightly bumped shoulders with Camila as she walked past her. Camila squeezed her eyes shut.

Just then Ariana came walking closer. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, let's go." Camila answered as they walked towards the restaurant.

They both ordered their food and were now waiting for it to arrive.

"So glad you accepted to go on another date with me." Ariana said happy. Camila smiled. "Well I couldn't say no to someone who really charmed me at our first date." Camila replied smoothly making the other girl blush.

"So ehm.. who was that woman you were talking to?" Ariana asked curious. Camila stiffened a bit. "She is.. ehm my stepsister." She finished unsure. "Really? Because the way you say it sounds a little unsure.. Did she have a problem with you?"

Camila shook her head. "No I just hadn't seen her in a long time and wanted to talk to her." She lied.

"Oh.. it sure didn't look like that.." Ariana said a little confused. Camila didn't know what to say more about this. "Look my stepsister is always a little grumpy so maybe that's why it looked like that."

Ariana raised an eyebrow at her. "Okay.. I see you don't really like to talk about her. She is a very beautiful woman though." Ariana admitted. "Yes ofcourse." Camila agreed a little too quickly.

The rest of the evening they made small talk and enjoyed each others company. Camila had to fake almost everything as she couldn't stop thinking about the green eyed girl.

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