Chapter 12

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"What were you thinking by smashing your phone like that?!" Her father yelled. "Camila I've been patient with you for so long. But I can't control myself anymore!"

Camila just stood there looking at him. Her father had the ability to make her freeze. She knows what this man is capable of doing when he's pissed off.

"I just don't understand why you guys had to take my luck away?" She said looking her father straight in the eyes. Something she never dared to do when he was mad. "Luck? You know what kind of person Lauren is? How can you stand here and defend her?! Against me! Your father!" He was furious.

"I love her." Was the only thing Camila could think off to say. Before she knew it a hand came across her face.

She winced in pain as she looked up at her father. "Don't ever say bullshit like that to me ever again! I have done everything for you and all I get is this piece of shit! You are nothing do you hear me? Nothing!" He hit her again on her head this time.

He then stepped inside his car and drove off. Leaving Camila standing there in pain. Tears filling her eyes. She didn't want to cry. She didn't want to. But it happened...

How badly she wanted to be with Lauren right now. Who would comfort her. That was not an option. The other best option was going to abuela.. that wasn't an option either. Or actually...

Here Camila stood in front of her grandma's grave.

She got even more emotional just standing there. She took a deep breath.

"I miss you.. I'm sorry it's just the first thing that came to my mind. I don't know what else to tell you other than the fact that I miss you. I wish you were here. You would give me that good old grandma advice. I think you already know but me and Lauren gave it a shot. We were in a relationship together just like you said we would. It was beautiful as long as it lasted. Everyone is against us. I can't see her anymore. Because if we do we both will lose our families. Family means everything, right?"

She wiped away a few tears that fell.

"This heartache I feel it won't go away. I met this other girl, Jade. She is so sweet and fun. I really like her. I want to give us a shot too but I love Lauren... I can't be with her. I remember how many times you told me you hate that word. The word 'can't' but in this case we really can't. I will lose everyone.."

She knelt down in front of her grave. Defeated she let her head down. Letting her tears fall freely..


"Mila..?" Dinah said as she stood in front of Camila's bedroom door.


She stepped inside only to be met Camila laying with her head between her pillows. Her hair messy, the room was a mess. Her phone smashed on the ground? Wtf happened?

"Mila..?" She tried again and sat down on the bed, caressing her back softly.

The Cuban girl stirred a little and then turned around. "Dinah?" She said confused. "Wow. Did your father hit you?" Dinah knew immediately, her father didn't hit Camila regularly or anything.. He maybe hit her twice in her whole lifetime. Still it was bad.

"Dinah.. Let it go.." She pleaded the Polynesian. "No, this is absurd. Look at you! Look at the past couple of months! Look at how happy you were and where you are now!"

"Dinah. There is nothing you or me or anyone can do.. Just let it go. I did. Why can't you?" Camila said sadly.

"Because you didn't! You haven't let it go! You still love her. Fuck! You smashed your phone!" Dinah said frustrated that her friend didn't understand. "I will never be able to let it go when people keep reminding me all the time! Besides, how do you know I smashed my phone because of her? Maybe I did it because I had a fight with my mom." Camila defended.

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