Chapter 16

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The blast of frost from his cold blue cyan gaze sent shivers racking down my spine.  My teeth chattered helplessly as I stared up at his daunting profile.

He appeared to have frozen solid himself. A mask mixture of shock and I knew not what made him otherwise expressionless were it not for the burning intensity of his frosty gaze.

Frost bites.

One that seemed aimed for my very soul.

I took a clumsy step back and promptly fell onto my behind. Wincing over the bruises that now donned it I was glad of the momentary respite from the perils of Raven Blackthorn's keen gaze.

"What else did she say?"

The words were whispered and so faint that I barely heard anything at all. But I did hear it. And my expressive face was quick to point that out.


I managed to mumble our an incoherent response that I had no intentions of ever repeating. It was all utter rubbish anyhow. The goddess was obliviously pulling my leg. Having a good laugh at my expense. That not enough she put me in a position to give Raven the ammunition to launch a barrel of laughs at my expense too.

Whoever said that laughter was the best medicine must not have ever been the brunt of the jokes. Unless by the best medicine he actually meant was the most bitter if effective pill to swallow.

Then he was absolutely right.

But despite the great joke I just told Raven, he showed no inclinations to actually laugh.

I stared on at him apprehensively for what seemed like forever but Raven showed no inclinations to rouse himself from wherever his deep thoughts had absconded to.

So that when he did finally speak it was jolt to my already shaky sense.

"You're coming with me. We need to talk," he murmured finally, his eyes tightening with the need for decisive action. A swift glance around at the surrounding wilderness we were no doubt lost in and Raven said," Its not safe here. Who knows who's listening."

The dumbfounded expression that lit accross my face was still evident as Raven reached out to draw me in his embrace. Then the mists were swirling about us and time and space was distorted as we teleported across the distance to Raven's high end bachelor pad. If one could call a five story mansion at McMohan's point a pad at all.

The Devil Wears Black- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now