Chapter 60

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I watched him go. Taking leaping steps up to the podium he used power to rap for attention and took over the gathering as if it were his own.

Such arrogance only Raven Blackthorn could be capable of. I resisted the head shake I felt coming and instead tried to look as if I fit amongst this rowdy crowd. Perhaps those rips would not have been so amiss. My perfectly blue and transparent floor length dress looked out of place in this crowd. I was only glad I was my mousy looking self. Even with make up it was still way better than me looking like I burst out of power.

The mike rang out across the restless crowd all staring daggers at Raven. I watched reluctantly as his sheer personality engaged and commanded his audience. The man didn't need power to rule. His audience appreciated that. That he had it and in abundance didn't go unnoticed either. I stood in awe amongst the rest listening to historic events unfold.

That was until the limelight was turned on me.

The sudden silence was deafening. I heard the loud thudding of my heart. To say I hated being the centre of attention was an understatement of the highest order. But I remined myself, like or not, being the focul point is a constant plague of my very existence.

I gave into it now with a breathless squeak," Me?"

"Yeah! She?" The equally incredulous question swept around the room in a wave till the uproar of earlier resumed this time making me the point of discussion.

"Silence!" Boomed out Raven once more and like meek lambs awaiting direction the room fell silent, looking in askance at a Raven.

With a heart felt sigh that I somehow instantly knew was because of me, Raven turned spotlights of cyan on me. I shivered.

"Leave off the illusion," he instructed me.

I stared up at him agape. He wanted me to show them I was power. That was all fine and well but the torn state of my dress wasn't. Damnit.

I heaved a sigh of relief and dropped the cloak blushing beet red as I did so. I reached down to tug at the torn neckline and tuck an edge into my bra. The dress would have to do. But nothing could be done about my bee stung red lips and tousled hair.

The abruptly contained snort beside me had an unfortunate cascading effect. In another unwanted wave chuckles rang out at my expense.

I shifted uncomfortably but then moved forward towards Raven at his blatant beckoning. His amusement was as clear to see. The avid twinkling of his eyes was a dead giveaway.

I glared up at him as I accepted his hand to haul me up beside him.

"I promised you power will stand with us. Power will aid us in unrivaled defeat of our foes. Meet Jade Sas Blackthorn, my fiancee. She is power."

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