Chapter 8

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Okay. I just wanna say, THANK YOU for 200+ reads, That's freaking amazing!! Ily all!
So this is Chapter 8 of:
☁ You're My Cloud ☁

Karens P.O.V

Kian and Ricky walked around the livingroom picking up pizza from the floor.
Karen: Can I help you two with something?
Ricky: Yeah, you can go and change your clothes, so you don't make this whole place wet.
Karen: That's bad, because I don't have any extra clothes here, then I have to go home and change. I looked at him with puppyeyes.
Ricky: Go lay in the sun and dry then.
Karen: Alright, thanks Ricky.

I walked out and layed down on a sunbed by the pool.
The sun was shining right on me, so my clothes dried in the sun.

I sat up in the sunbed and felt a pair of strong arms around me. Of course it was Jc, who else?
Jc lifted me up and spun me around so I stood face to face with him.
Jc: Hey beautiful.
I blushed.
In front of me stood, Jc Caylen, a big Youtuber, my Youtubecrush, shirtless, and was just mine at this moment, well he wasn't my boyfriend, so he wasn't "mine" like that, but you get what I am saying. It was just a dream to be with Jc, now a dream come true.
Jc smiled at me.
Jc: See anything you like?
Karen: Well yes...
I said and ran up to Wishbone.
I looked back at Jc and he stood there looking sad.
I walked back to Jc.
Karen: I was just kidding, I like Wishbone, but I like everything about you.
I kissed him on his cheek.
A smile grew on his face.
Jc: I like everything about You too, your beautiful blue eyes, your warm cuddly arms, just everything about you.
I blushed again.
I put my arms around his neck and he put his around his waist.
Jc: Karen,Do you want to be my girlfriend?
Oh my god. Jc Caylen want me to be his girlfriend... Ahhhhhhh, I'm getting one of those heartattacks of happiness again, like the one three years ago. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, what happened three years ago? Just read the Prologue it's so much easier than getting me to explain it here)

Karen: Jc... we just met.
Jc: But I want you to be mine. Would you Karen?
Karen: Of course I want to Jc!
He gave me a hug.
Now he is.
Trevor: Can you stop being so lovey-dovey, us singles are getting jealous of your cuteness?
Karen: Sorry, but I don't think that's possible.
Jc: We can calm down a bit, but we can't completely stop. He turned to me and smiled.
Trevor went inside again.
I let go of Jcs neck, and he let go of my waist. He took my hand in his and together we walked inside the livingroom that now was clean, with no pizza on the floor.

Sofia walked in the room and sat down next to me.
Sofia: Are you and Jc a thing yet?
Karen: ....... I didn't say anything.
Sofia understood what I meant by that and looked at me with a shocked expression on her face.
Karen: I know, I whispered to her. And did a fainting charade. She giggled.
Kian walked in the room and looked at me with a smile on his face.
Jc sat down close to me and took his arm around my waist.
The smile on Kians face disappeared, and he looked sad, he looked down at the ground, he sat down on the floor.
Jc let go of me and leaned back in the couch.

Was Kian jealous of me and Jc? I don't even know, well, I guess I'll see what happens in the future.

Connor came and sat down next to Sofia and put his arm around her waist.

Sofia: Hey Con My Bon.
Connor: Hey Sofia, So fine.
Connor kissed Sofia, like it was nothing.
Jc: Wow, PDA much?
Connor: Shut up Jc.
Jc didn't say anything.
Connor grabbed Sofias hand and walked up the stairs.
Karen: Wow, Jc. You scare them all away.
Jc: I do not.
Ricky: You actually do.
Jc: Ricky, you're supposed to be on my side!
Ricky: But Gurrrrrl, she's actually right this time.
Karen: YES Ricky
I gave him a highfive.
Jc: Whatever, I don't care anymore.
Karen: Pfft, sure. I know you still care.
Connor: Stop fighting goddammit!
Kian: Did they ruin your makeout-session?
Karen: Haha Kian, that was a good one! Highfive!

Sofia stood behind Connor and was blushing, and she looked at me with a big smile on her face. Maybe we weren't so wrong afterall.
I smiled back at her.
Connor: .. But Karen is actually right.
Everybody laughed, and Jc kissed my cheek.
I looked in Jcs eyes and they were shining.
I looked at Kian, he looked down at the floor, like he was sad, but when he saw that I was looking at him, he flashed me a smile. I smiled back.

Karen: Well, I think it's time for me and Sofia to head back to our hotel.
All: Oh, okay, they all said, with sad faces.
Jc: You really have to go?
Karen: Yeah, I'm sorry, I have to edit my vlog, and it's already 1 in the morning. I need to get some sleep.
Jc: I'll text you, okay?
Karen: Okay.

We all said our goodbyes, and we left.

When Sofia and I got back to our room, I changed out of my clothes, but they were really Jcs. I put my vlogcamera on the desk. I took my phone out of my pocket, and put it in it's charger. I layed down, and when my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep.
Okay, the timeskips were a little bit weird in these last chapters, but whatever. So Jc and Karen got together in this chapter, what did you think about that and the chapter? I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And what did you think about #Sonnor?
Ily all, and........

Stay Cloudy ☁

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