Chapter 1: Nadir's End

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~Ylva's POV~

The wind whistled by my ear, a beautiful sound it is.

"Ylva!" My older brother, Nadir shouted.

"What is it beloved brother of mine?" I ask, my shining blue eyes as piercing as a wolf's.

"Quickly get to the house. The enemy approaches."

"Why can't I fight?-" I asked, abruptly cut off when Nadir fell forward, blood leaking from a wound in his head.

"NADIR!" I shout, looking up at the oncoming enemy, glaring at their bright blue capes and shining greenish blue armor.

"Praesidium!" I shouted, lacing power into my words as my teacher had taught me. A glimmer appeared in the air around my brother and I stood, anger blazing in my blue eyes as strong winds blew my cape away from my back.

"Limpidae flammae existunt et ex hoc mundo animam suam!" I shout, my right arm shooting into the air, flames appearing beneath every warrior's feet. My father rushed out of the house, dressed in full battle armor, only to see I had taken care of the situation and was watching the enemy burn to death. Once they were nothing but crisps, Father ran up to me, catching me as I fell.

"What was that Ylva? Using that amount of power could kill you!" He scolded, his fiery blue eyes blazing with anger and concern.

"Nadir." I say, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Nadir?" He asked, turning his head and looking over at my brother's pale and unmoving form.

"Oh by the gods." He mumbled, rushing over to my brother with my arm draped over his shoulder.

"Nadir! Nadir wake up!" Father shouted, dropping me and gathering Nadir in his arms. Nadir's head lolled back, his black hair draped over Father's arm. His normally bright blue eyes were dimmed and open. I shakily reached up, shutting his eyes as tears filled my own.

I snapped away, shouting my brother's name. My roommate, Thor's daughter, poked her head down from the top bunk.

"You okay?" She asked, her light blue eyes sleepy.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

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