To Stray from the Path

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To stray the path took a lot of guts, and Kaylee had about the size of a snow pea. No one dared enter the path to the left that lead to the woods. It was insane to run to the path that went away from civilization, but the fact of the matter was Kaylee was scared. She was scared of what figuritive path lied ahead of her. The move to a new town, the tension in the new house with her mother, step dad and grandparents was enough to make her pull her hair out so she decided to run. Run away from her expectations, run away from her emotional pain, and run away from her fears. What was funny was she was about to encounter a new fear as she stared to notice a fence made of fine metal. The neglected fence was overgrown with vines and leaves, which gave her the notion that whatever lied ahead was abandoned and she shouldn't be snooping around someone's property. Her stomatch started to flip and twist into nervous knots as she got closer and closer. Deciding that she would be lost if she continued, she nervously turned back and ran the fastest she ever ran, straight home.

The next day, she decied to go back and explore the fence a little more. She walked further and further down the abandoned, neglected path to see where the fence started again. 'Ok, Kaylee, she said to herself,'Today's where you find mystery and adventure. Don't let the fear of what you might find stop you.' So she kept on the path, walking beside the fence until she got to the point where she ran back home. She heved in a sigh and gritted her teeth and moved forward. It seemed like the fence was never ending. For a moment she stopped, tied her pink tennis shoes, and sighed. Was she ever going to find what was inside the never ending fence? She took a deep breath and kept walking she started to see changes in the fence. Elegant swirls and designs went up and down the giant fence. She then saw a large tree which blocked her veiw of the fence, and as she kept walking, she found that the fence was a gate. A rather large one at that was locked. And behind that gate, was a huge abandoned house, more like a mansion with overgrown vines and dead flowers, the whole nine yards of what was diffined as spooky or scarey. Kaylee was intrigued by the beauty of the large mansion, that she got closer to the gate, and touched it.

When she touched it, it began to swing open. 'But it was locked.', Kaylee said in shock. Nothing could stop her curiosity as she went into the large grounds of the property. Suddenly, the gate swung closed behind her, sending a shrill shiver of fear through her. There was no turning back now. She heved in a shakey sigh, and continued to walk forward towards the mysterious mansion. It took her a little while to make it up to the front door. Once she finally made it up to the giant door, she used the giant knockers to knock on the door. There litterally was no turning back now, for the doors were opened to reveal a darkly elegant foyer. Which it's interior was designed with heavy drappery, dusty wooden floors with huge elegant ancient carpets, overly decrotive crown molding, and made complete with spiders and cobwebs. Everything was dark colored. To the dark colored cherry wood of the staircase, to the drappery of deep dark blood red, to the rugs of deep purple and green, and lastly the black and purple wallpaper, wich looked like a pair of eyes that stared into your soul. The look of the wallpaper was a subtle hint of what this mansion had in store for her. She quickly got a chill for it was cold in this old house. Kaylee stepped forward i to the house and as soon as she did, the door behind her slowy shut. She pulled her red, thin cotton hoodie around her, that her boyfriend had given her before she left her hometown in Maine.

The hoodie was the only thing that would keep her warm in the blistering cold house. She huffed at herself for wearing her jean shorts to explore the fence. New Orleans was a place where it stayed hot most of the time, with a few hurricanes, or rainny days, but rarely any snow or too cold of weather, wich was the only thing that Kaylee looked forward to was no snow. It was fall but it wasn't like it was 58 degrees outside. It was 74 degrees, but inside the mansion it was more like 58. She pulled her ivory lacey jean shorts down to try to cover some of her goosebumped skin. It didn't work. She was still cold. 'Hello.', she called out to no one. Suddenly she got the creepy crawly feeling that someone was watching her. Not just the creapy eyes on the wallpaper but someone, or something. Then an organ started to play soft and errie. Kaylee's heart started to flutter fast. Who was playing that music? 'Must be in the other room.', she thought. She took a gulp, and cleared her throat and spoke up,"Um, hi. My name's Kaylee. I'm sorry I've disturbed your mansion. I was curious, you see, and I mean no harm. Uuh, you did let me in did you not? Actually, I think it was the wind. Yeah, your gate swung open because of the wind, and I walked in because I was curious, and then I knocked on your door, and it opened so I asumed that you let me in. Then the door shut behind me and I didn't see anyone, so I asumed it was the wind. Yeah just the wind.", Kaylee nervously chattered.

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