Chapter Eighteen

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"Oh no," I said, putting my spoon down, suddenly feeling panicky.  "Don't tell me you got her pregnant--"

"I'd never do that!" Trey said defensively, looking more hurt than angry. I immediately felt guilty for passing judgement too soon. He sighed, scratching his head. "Well...I don't know if...if I should ask Alahna out or...or..."

I felt a smile spread across my face as Trey said those words. I wouldn't normally be happy when some random guy would ask permission from me if he could date my sister, but hey, Trey's a good guy. And when they were together at the party, the way he looked at my little sister and the way they held each other--I knew he was the one for Alahna.

Okay, now I sound like a matchmaker.

"Why are you smiling?" Trey asked nervosuly, looking like he'd just run a marathon with all that sweat forming on his forehead. I laughed.

"You should ask my sister out," I said, waving my hand dismissively. "I mean, she likes you, you like her. What's to lose, right?"

Trey looked up, his eyes brightening like a little boy who had just seen a new toy. "She does?"

"Isn't it obvious?" I scoffed, stirring my still very much frozen Blizzard. Trey laughed. 

"Thanks, Katie," he said, stretching out a hand for me to shake. I stifled a laugh, but shook his hand anyway. Somehow I felt content that I made someone--scratch that, two people--happy.


Quantum mechanics. Decoherence. Ehrenfest theorem. Superposition. Well, in case you haven't guessed what subject those terms were reletated to, I wouldn't be surprised.

Physics. Yup, physics, like Einstein bla bla bla and all those formulas and shit that I will never get. We were in the Physics laboratory and were in a middle of one of the most complicated lessons I could have ever imagined. Everyone, including the teacher, looked tired and sleepy. It was the period right after lunch and, well, everyone's sleepy after lunch.

I tapped idly with my ballpen, my head resting on my left hand and my gaze fixed on the massive whiteboard that our teacher, Ms. Brookes, was writing various equations and the like onto. I stopped taking notes after the first fifteen minutes of the period, since my handwriting was like chicken scratch by the time Ms. Brookes had gone halfway through the first topic. No one else seemed to bother in taking notes and Ms. Brookes was fine with that--and she also seemed fine with half of her class sleeping in her subject.

"Announcement," a voice suddenly boomed from the speakers of the laboratory, causing most of us to jump. I nearly fell out of my stool but luckily I was able to keep my balance. "All officers in charge of the anniversary program, there will be a meeting at three o'clock sharp at the gymnasium." The speaker repeated the announcement.

I frowned. I haven't seen the boys for a week because of school related stuff, and I was planning on going today, but it looked like the visit had to wait another day.

I had excused myself from class at around two forty, giving me probably enough time to arrange my things and grab a snack before heading to the gymnasium. I was the first one to get there, and everyone else, including the head supervisor-slash-P.E. teacher who I've seen so often but didn't know her name, arrived late.

"So," the head supervisor said, clapping her hands together. She looked over every single one of us there. "I think you are aware of what's going to happen and what the responsibilities of an officer, am I right?"

We all nodded.

"Today we will assign the different subject areas to each pair," the teacher said, flipping through pages on her clipboard. "Because our number of volunteers for the booths have decreased. Therefore you will have two tasks."

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