Chapter Twenty Four

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 It had been a month since Garrett had fallen ill. Everything seemed to just drag by through the entirety of the month, and the hollow emptiness in my stomach grew and grew as the weeks passed. Bianca and the boys had kept me great company, but Garrett’s company was still something else, and I missed it terribly.

I missed him terribly.

The fact that I did still bothered me a little. The feeling of missing someone this much, let alone missing a boy this much, was still quite foreign to me. For a time I had missed Keith, too, but this was entirely different.

Garrett had regained consciousness a few days back, but according to the boys he still slept through most of the day because he still found it difficult to move. I hadn’t been able to visit him because lately my parents had decided that I take the exam for Harvard, and applying for said school had taken up longer time and much more effort than I thought it would be.

But things were different that day. My application form for the entrance exam had finally been received and my testing schedule was finally released, leaving me with nothing much to worry about. It was also a Friday, and I’d wanted to see the boys so much so we decided to throw a party just for the fun of it.

"Do I look alright?" Bianca said nervously, straightening her blue floral dress as she shifted nervously in front of the full body mirror on the back door of my closet. I rolled my eyes, sticking my left foot into one of the brown boots that Bianca had insisted that I wear.

"You look fine, Bianca," I said, zipping the other boot up. She had been asking the same question for the past ten minutes and I had a feeling that her dress could possibly tear up with the number of times she kept on tugging on it. Compared to Bianca, I looked way underdressed, as she was wearing a knee length floral dress that fit her cruves perfectly and a cute little blazer to cover her shoulders, and sparkly little sandles that matched the diamond earrings she wore. I, on the other hand, was dressed in nothing but a band shirt, skinny jeans and boots with my usual red beanie. In addition to that, I didn't even bother putting anything on my face, where as Bianca's was smothered in make up and glittery blush on.

I shrugged. At least I was confortable with how I looked. The three inch boots were an exception, but besides that, I pretty much didn't care how I looked, as long as I could move properly.

"You guys done yet?" Alahna shouted from outside the door.

"I am," I said, leaping off the bed. I opened the door, and lo and behold, my pretty little sixteen year old sister stood, sparkling.


"Did Arianna puke on your wardrobe or something?" I said, eyeing her jewel-studded everything, that was something Arianna would usually wear. Alahna grinned and twirled around, her skirt sparkling like twinkling stars had been glued there. Her hair seemed to shimmer, too, and my theory that she poured her glitter supply on her hair was proven true when small particles of the thing landed on my arms, and probably my face. I flinched.

"Do I look pretty or do I look pretty?" Alahna asked, batting her eyelashes at me. They sparkled too. I felt my eye itch at the thought of having glitters that close to my eyes, but it didn't seem to bother Alahna at all.

I sighed, shaking my head but not saying anything. Bianca emerged from my room a few moments later, and we filed into Trey's pick up truck.

"Hi baby," Trey said, giving Alahna a kiss on the cheek. I watched him intently, waiting to see if he'd flinch or anything, but he didn't. "You look absolutely beautiful."

Alahna grinned, batting her eyelashes. I could see small specks of glitter floating from where I was seated. I sighed, shaking my head. If Trey was alright with it, then I'd have to be alright with it.

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