Chapter Twenty Two

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It was as if time had stood still as I stood there, watching. It would've been perfect. If it was some sort of cheesy soap opera, this scene would've been there. Everything looked perfect--the way Garrett had his arms around her waist, and the way Samantha had her leg sticking out. The way they held each other, they way they kissed each other--it was too beautiful to look at.

It was too painful to look at. The whole thing was staring at me in the face, like it was telling me to accept the fact that Garrett would never, ever be mine.

I slowly backed away, feeling overwhelmed at what was happening. None of them noticed. I continued to back away, but then I stepped on a creaky floorboard that made such a loud noise. Garrett's eyes snapped open. He looked around, and then finally his eyes landed on me. Those beautiful blue eyes that got me from the very start were staring into my soul, mixed emotions swirling in those pools of blue. 

My fists clenched. I bit my lip, trying my best not to cry. I didn't want to cry anymore. I just wanted to run away. Leave this place forever. Get away from everything. 

I spun around and broke into a run. I ran as fast as my weak legs would carry me. Out the door, past the guards, through the hundreds of people who were crowded in the gym. I heard him shout my name, over and over and over. Everything else seemed to fade away around me when he said my name. "Katie!" he shouted. It was all I heard, loud and clear, his voice sounding desperate. His voice rang in my ears and echoed in my head.  I wanted to look back, but what good would that do to me? It would just hurt more, wouldn't it?

The cool breeze of the night welcomed me as I escaped into the field. Lights were strung around everywhere. Music was blasting from the speakers. People were eating and talking and making merry. It was a happy place. It was supposed to make me happy. 

Too many people, I thought, as I swerved and ran towards the podium that was empty. Down the steps towards the dimly lit place, and up the stairs of the stage. I collapsed onto the wooden flooring of the podium stage, my whole body racking with sobs and tears that wouldn't flow. 

Footsteps. Loud, heavy footsteps, making their way towards me. They echoed into the darkness. 

And then it stopped. I could hear the gravel scraping the soles of his boots as he screeched to a halt. And then silence. I was once more swallowed into the empty silence.

"Katie..." he whispered, so soft that I could barely hear him. He didn't come any closer. He shouldn't come any closer. "Katie, I'm so sorry."

I felt my throat tighten as whimpers threatened to escape. I didn't want to cry. I didn't want him to see how hurt I was. I didn't want to be the weak one, the one who always cried when something went wrong. I wouldn't let him get the satisfaction of seeing my cry.

"You're sorry," I said, finding my voice. It came out in a low, hoarse sound that sounded foreign to my own ears, as if I wasn't the one speaking. "Do you know how many times I've heard those words?"

Garrett didn't say anything. Of course he wouldn't say anything. I heard him walk slowly up the stairs of the stage, stopping a few meters away from me.

"Why do you have to be sorry?" I said, my voice getting an octave higher this time. I laughed like a crazed woman, filling the podium and cutting like a blade through the empty silence. "You like Samantha, right? Why should you be sorry that...that you kissed her?"

"Katie..." he said softly, touching my arm. I flinched, scrambling away from him. 

"Get away from me," I hissed.

He sighed heavily, and I could imagine him running a hand through his brown hair. "I don't like her, okay?"

"So you love her?" I said quietly, sitting on the edge of the stage. My eyes adjusted to the darkness of the podium, and I could make out his tall figure, standing where I had just been.

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