Chapter Twenty One

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It took quite some time to process everything that was happening. Like the slow thinker I was, I just stood there, gaping at the two of them as they shot each other deadly looks.

If looks could kill, I was pretty sure they'd both be dead by then.

Samantha was still holding her affected cheek, her mouth a big "O" as she glared at Bianca, who in turn was shooting one of the scariest looks I have ever seen her give to anyone. Rochelle and Michelle were just standing there, mimicking Samantha, who shrugged them off when they tried to comfort her. Luckily the whole place was noisy and no one really noticed what had happened.

"You, Samantha," Bianca seethed, pointing her long index finger at the other girl's face. "Are one hell of a bitch."

"Speak for yourself," Samantha sneered, her eyes blazing. "You took Jeremy from me. You stole him. He was mine."

For a moment Bianca's sneer faltered, her eyebrows twitching a little. Samantha obviously said something very wrong with that triumphant look on her face. I, of course, was utterly confused as always.

"Yeah, that's right. Be guilty, you little whore," Samantha spat, and strode away with Rochelle and Michelle following her tracks. Bianca was still rooted to the spot, her lips parted, her eyes blank and glassy-looking. 

"Bianca?" I asked quietly, touching her shoulder. She started to shake, and her breath started to hitch like she was about to cry.  I pulled her into my arms, holding her tight as she whimpered softly, feeling my heart shatter.



I rolled on my side, slamming a pillow over my face. Someone switched on the lights in my room and I  scrunched my eyebrows, grumbling loudly into my crumpled bed sheets. I knew that it was five in the morning and I had to get up soon before Alahna would hog the shower. The bed sunk beside me and I could feel warm breath over my face, tickling my nose.

"Katie, wake up," the voice said gently, gingerly lifting the pillow from over my face. "Big day today."

"You sound like my mother," I mumbled. He chuckled, and I could feel his fingers, that were calloused from all those years of playing, brush my bangs away from my face like he always did. Garrett pulled my nearer to him, his strong arms wrapping around my waist.

"Get up," Garrett said softly in his sing-song voice. I squirmed slightly in his grasp, feeling a rush of happiness. He pulled me tighter to him, my arms getting squished between me and his chest that was rising and falling rhythmically as he breathed.

"Are you challenging my strength, Nickelsen?" I teased.

"No," he said, loosening his arms around me but still didn't pull them away. 

"Where've you been all week?" I said, trying to hide the disappointment in my voice. 

"Talking about tours and other band stuff," Garrett answered, sighing tiredly into my hair. "I'm just as tired as you are, Katie."

"You don't have to play later if you don't want to," I said quietly, tilting my head upward to look at his face. His hair was unruly and was in its usual uncombed state. He had bags under his eyes and a certain look of tiredness in his face that made him look a little older than he really was.

He shook his head slightly, his hair brushing the tip of my nose. His lips parted as he looked straight at me, his tired blue eyes shimmering a little as the light struck them. I just wanted to pull him in right then and there and kiss him.

Stop thinking about it, Katie. STOP.

"Katie, I'm do--ohhhh," I heard Alahna say from the doorway. Garrett and I shot up from where we were. I frantically fixed my hair and straightened my shirt. Alahna was smirking mischievously, her eyes sparkling. "Well in that case, you can both use the shower."

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