Mafia King//13//

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I'm so happy but sad because Ryan, Rachel, Andrew and I are leaving around noon. I love being around my parents but I couldn't wait to go home. Although I wish I got to see Austin more. All the days I was here so far he's spent at his friends house. He's coming home in a few hours though. Rachel's excited to see him too. She couldn't stop talking about it to Andrew.

Speaking of those two they went on a little date yesterday while everyone went bowling apparently. So I think they're a couple but I'm not sure. I'll have plenty of time to ask her when we get back to Myrtle Beach, SC.

"Hey Autie?" Andrew interrupted my thoughts. All four of us were watching tv on the couch.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

He gave me a questioning look. "If your parents are so rich why don't you just live here."

I shrugged flipping through the channels. "I just kind of wanted to have an experience of an adult. So I moved away and got a place with Rachel."

"Wait a minute." Andrew started. 

"Andrew don't." Rachel whispered.

I rolled my eyes. "Let him talk Rachel."

Andrew took a deep breath before continuing. "You say you wanted an 'adult experience' but for one you don't have a job and for two you don't even pay your own bills."

I blushed slightly. Deep down I knew I wasn't fully pulling the adult responsibilities I should have been but it was nice to think of me as an independent woman. I narrowed my eyes. "You know what. Your right. I'll be right back." I stood up to go talk to my mom but before I could walk away Ryan stood up and grabbed my hand.

"Babe, don't do anything your going to regret."

I great fully kissed his cheek. "Thank you but Andrews right. I'm 24 now! I need more responsibility."

I knock on my parents bedroom door and entered when they said come in. "Mom, dad, can I talk to you real quick?" I asked.

My mom smiled and patted a spot on the bed. "Of course sweetie! What do you need?"

I gulped slightly. "I'm twenty four years old now and it was pointed out to me that I don't have the same experience that a normal twenty four year olds do. So I've come to ask you to stop paying my rent. I want more responsibility."

She gave me a doubtful look. "Are you sure honey? Rachel's the only one with a job and she can barely afford food for the two of you."

"But mom I want to prove to you that I can be on my own in the world. It bothers me knowing my life is still dependent on you."

My dad rolled his eyes. "Sweetie, most young adults spend time asking their parents for a new car not less money."

I gave him a knowing look. "Okay how about this, you stop paying my rent but next time I fly out here you can pay for mine and my friends tickets."

My mom shook her head. "No. How about we stop paying your rent for a year and if you do fine we'll stop paying completely." She suggested.

"No mom! I don't want you money anymore!" I instead to them.

My dad looked up from the book he was reading. "Ok this is the final offer or things remain how they are. The one year trial of no money and we'll figure out one more thing before you leave that will give you more responsibility equal to no more money."

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