Epilogue & Question/Answer Update

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Hey guys! Just wanted to put this up because I've gotten so many questions about the novel. I've tried to answer each one as they come but I decided this is probably a better way so I don't end up answering the same question over and over and over again.

So in the beginning of the book, is Bella pregnant? Why isn't she pregnant later in the story then?

Okay so in the first chapter, it seems as though all the Cullen women have conceived under the Ubertas Luna (Fertile Moon). However, the next day when they realize what has happened to them, it appears as though Bella's pregnancy/human symptoms have disappeared. Now to each their own but I wrote this story as though Bella had almost conceived, but the pregnancy didn't 'stick' or have a chance to grow because of the scarring left over from Renesmee's own traumatic birth.

What happened with the Volturi on the mountain? Will they come back to harm the Cullen family?

There is now a tenuous treaty between the Cullens and the Volturi, holding that one will not attempt to contact the other. But then again, this is the Volturi we're talking about. Who knows what will happen in an eternity.

So how did Bella get pregnant at the end of the story?

Bella and Edward conceived their second child on the night Esme gave birth to Robbie. That night happened to be a crescent moon and Robbie was born with the gift of fertility powers. Therefore ~ another Fertile Moon occurred that night and well...you can imagine the rest yourselves can't you? *wink wink*

If you have any more questions, or comments or anything at all - please post them and I'll do my best to answer straight away <3

Until then, I am, as ever - TheLadyHoll

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