Chapter One

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"Mitch! Mitch wake up!!"

"What Scott, what?" Mitch groaned.

"Mitch, you have to see this!"

Scott bolted into Mitch's room with a shocked and suprised look on his face.

"Mitch, just get up already!"

"Fine! What is it? Did you finally figure out how to make toast without burning it?" Mitch said with his eyebrows raised and a smirk on his face.

"No! But seriously Mitch look at this." Scott turned around and easily lifted his dresser.
That's when Mitch sat up immediately and stared at Scott.

"Scott, please tell me that you're messing with me and this is a dream."

Scott could hear the slight panic laced in Mitch's voice. "No I'm not... we should invite the others over to see if they have any powers."

"Good idea. I'll go make some coffee after I change."

"Okay, I'll meet you in the kitchen."

After about ten minutes of waiting, Kirstie came barging in without even bothering to knock. About a minute later Avi and Kevin come in.

"Does anybody have any idea what in the world is going on?"


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