Chapter 6

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A/N: well... It's been a while...
Mitch continued to scroll through Twitter while Avi talked to Scott. After a minute or two, they both came walking about, Scott's mood a little more cheerful. He sat beside Mitch again and grabbed his plate eating a mouthful of eggs. Scott reached over and grabbed a cup of coffee Mitch had put on the table and mixed in some hazelnut creamer.

"So, now what?" Scott mumbled as he took a sip of his coffee. "Who knows? I guess we could wait... But that's not gonna do us any good. We're going to have to cancel the PTX World Tour which is a shame."

Kirstie spoke up. "All the Pentaholics would be disappointed." She sighed. "I just hate to let them down. What would we tell them? We can't just say that we all got sick."

"Sed posset aliquis dicere quod per casum familias nostras?" Said Kevin.

Mitch looked up with a confused look on his face and said, "Uh, English please?" His sass coming out strong and clear.

"Qui était l'anglais!" Replied Kevin.

"Kev, that's not English that you spoke in." Said Scott offhandedly. Kirstie, Avi, and Mitch all looked at Kevin and Scott as if they were going crazy.

"What? Learning Papaoutai in French pays off. He said 'that was English'." Scott said making quotation marks with his hands. "That first part though, I have no idea what so ever." He looked back down at his phone and took another sip of his coffee.

"My bad. I had no idea where that came from. Anyways, what I said was, roughly translated, was we could say that one of us had a family emergency? And Scott was right on the French." Kevin explained.

"Smartass!" Mitch teased Scott, playfully hitting is arm.


Mitch hit Scott's arm, teasing him, but couldn't help but think about what power he might have.

"Well, we could tell the Pentaholics anything really, they're so understanding. Surely they'd be ok if we rescheduled the tour?"

"They'll be so disappointed though, Id hate to break their hearts."

"None of us want to hurt them, but it's for the best right now."

Mitch wasn't paying attention to who was talking and was zoning out. He was still tired and he thought about going to his bedroom and lying down to sleep.

"I guess we can just tell them that-"

And suddenly all was quiet around Mitch. Mitch opened his eyes while mumbling saying, "Sorry, I'm just so tired. Wait what?" Mitch realized that they didn't stop talking, they weren't in the room.

"Guys?!" Mitch started to freak out before taking in his surroundings.

He could hear Scott calling for him from somewhere nearby. He calmed down a little and realized he was in his room. He ran out the bedroom door to the top of the stairs. "Guys?"

"Mitch? Where are you?" He heard Scott call.

"Upstairs! I'm coming down now." Mitch was basically flying down the steps he was baffled by what had happened.

"Are you alright?" Avi asked him. "I'm fine, all that happened was I thought of being in my room and falling asleep and next think I knew I was upstairs on my bed."

"Wow. Mitch, you just basically teleported just by thinking." Breathed Kevin with amazement.

"Well, that's all of us. Scott has super strength, Kirstie is basically the Ice Queen, I can read minds, Mitch can teleport, and Kevin has unbelievable intelligence. What could possibly happen now?"

"Well we could be-" Kevin started but Avi cut him off.

"That was a rhetorical question."
If you guys could all go check out my friend's book that would be awesome!! It's called "The End of Humanity" by albinovampire please go check it out! Thanks guys!! Read, comment, vote, follow, and enjoy the story! See y'all later!

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