Chapter Two

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"Does anybody have any idea what in the world is going on?"

"Ok, first of all, Kirst you're gonna need to take a chill pill. Second, no we don't know what's going on." Scott says.

"Ok! Hey you guys! anyone want coffee?" Mitch walks into the room with his hands full holding five cups of coffee, and with cream, milk, and sugar in his arms.

"Mitchie, why didn't you just ask for help or take two trips?" Scott races over to help Mitch.

"Well I figured you could get the door and second I don't believe in second trips!" Mitch has a smirk on his face.

Scott sighed as he set all the mix-ins on the table infront of the couch. "Ok! Everyone feel free to grab some coffee while we talk. Now let's get started! Uh I guess we can start by talking about what each of us can do. I'll start while you guys fix your coffee." Everyone looked up at Scott expectantly.

Well here goes nothing.

Scott picked up the coffee table without any struggle whatsoever. Everyone but Mitch gasped.

"Ok, that's a little cool if you ask me, but watch this." Kirstie stood up and put her hand out, palm up. After about two seconds of concentration, a large snowflake hovered on her palm.

Mitch gasped and stood by Kirstie. "Wow, Kirst that's beautiful! You're like freaking Elsa!" says Mitch laughing to the point where he's almost crying. That had everybody cracking up.

"Oh, shut up!"

The three of them all sat down as Avi stood up and spoke for the first time since he arrived. "Well check this out." He closed his eyes in concentration like Kirstie but took him a little longer.

Avi's eyes flashed open. "Ok, got it! Kevin is debating whether he should add more cream in his coffee, Kirstie is thinking of nicknames for all the possible powers we all have, Mitch is wondering what his power is or if he even has one, and Scott wants Starbucks and wants to watch Spongebob Squarepants. Did I get that right?"

Everyone nodded. "That's a little freaky."

"Well it's not that bad... I just can't think of a nickname for you."

"Haha well you'll come up with something eventually."


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