Chapter Three

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Mitch's POV:

As I grabbed my phone off of the coffee table after Scott set it back down, I sat on the couch. I kept thinking about if I will ever get a power. That's when Avi spoke up. "Mitch, it's fine. We'll figure out your power eventually. Just have patience."

"Avi, you know patience isn't my thing. And could you please stop reading my mind? I have thoughts I would like to keep to myself sometimes too, you know." "Ah, sorry's hard not to... I'll try to think about something else." "Thanks."

I unlocked my phone using my fingerprint, and debated whether I should go on Tumblr or Twitter. I decided Twitter. I was scrolling through tweets when I choked on my coffee. "Guys!! Um we may have a problem..."

"What is it Mitchie?" Scott asked as he sat down next to me on the couch. "You uh, you might want to see this." Everyone crowded around the couch to see the post I found.

"Oh my god. Oh no. No, no, no, no, no! What are we gonna do?!" Kirstie asked as the comments exploded on Mitch's phone. "Ah, crap." Scott said as he ran his hands through is hair.

Kevin, who hasn't seen the post yet, asked to see the picture. "Oh gosh. How did somebody get a photo of Scott lifting the coffee table?" Kevin said after seeing the picture of Scott lifting the coffee table with just his fingers and balancing it. "The blinds!!" Scott yelled. "That's it! They can see us through the windows! Duh! I can't believe we didn't think of that sooner! Argh!!" "Scott, it's ok... everything's gonna be ok." I said to Scott.

"Uh, guys? Sorry to ruin the reassurance moment...but I just remembered that the government happens to take pictures of the internet and social media stuff prety much every second."

"Guys the person just posted another picture..." It was a picture of Kirstie and her snowflake. "Well, if what you say is true, Kevin, then we're all dead."

"I suggest we all stick together." I said as I spoke up. "Everyone can stay at mine and Scott's apartment. We have an extra room and the couch. But first, let's close the blinds." "Already on it." Scott stood up and asked if Avi could get him some safety pins and paper clips. After that was taken care of, Kirstie, Avi, and Kevin snuck back to their houses as best they could so that way they could get whatever they needed for at least a month long stay.

Once they got back, everybody settled in and Scott moved his stuff to Mitch's room. He and Scott had gotten a ton of groceries the day before so everybody settled in to watch the movie "Guardians of the Galaxy".

After the movie ended it was about 10:30pm so we all grabbed a snack and said our goodnights. Scott followed me to my room, and Kirstie followed Avi into their temporarily shared room. Before Scott shut the door, he asked "Hey Kev? You sure you're ok on the couch? I can sleep there if you want to switch?" "Nah, I'm good, but thanks for asking Scottie." "Alright, if you insist. Night, Kev."

That's what I loved about Scott. He was so caring and would put friends and family before himself.

By the time Scott closed the door, I was already in bed, already changed into pajamas. Scott went to the attached bathroom and changed into pajamas also before climbing into bed. He scooted over to where we were both on opposite sides of the bed with us facing walls, our backs to each other.

"Goodnight Mitchie."

"Goodnight Scooter." I barely whisper before I fall asleep.


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