Chapter Nine

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Let me just preface this chapter with an apology.... this story fell to the wayside when things started picking up in my life ): So sorry for such an incredibly long break, but now I've reached a point where I can write again! Read on (:


Chap. 9

Baylee's P.O.V.

Lunch could not seem to come any slower. Each minute of first through third period felt like ten, and having guys whisper behind your back about your curves, your butt, or your lips in every class didn't make things easier. When the lunch bell finally rang, I was off like someone had lit a fire under my chair.

"Giiiiiiirl, don't you step away from me!" Someone called behind me, and I spun around with a smile.

"Chloe! I'm so glad you're in this lunch, everyone here so far has looked at me like fresh meat. It's good to see a familiar face." I said, grabbing her into a hug.

"I've seen the way guys stare at you.... just ignore it. No one will mess with you while craaaaazy Chloe is by your side!"

I couldn't help but feel at ease with Chloe, she was just so upbeat and friendly. She reminded me a lot of my friends back in California, not to mention we both danced, which is a major bonding deal for dancers. We'd bonded a lot since that day in my yard, and were quickly becoming good friends.

"So, hot stuff, tell me. Are you coming to auditions tonight?"

Auditions. The word made me jump, since the school team had cut me. No matter how disfunctional that team really was, being cut flat out sucks. Besides, how could I betray my team back home like that? But E-Town Elite was serious, national competing level serious. Major recognition and Julliard serious.

"I think.... yes, I'll be there. Why not give my booty shaking one last shot here?" I laughed.


Kane was not in my lunch, something that actually made me feel sad. Where did that come from? But with Chloe with me like a side-kick, I quickly made new friends at her lunch table. People were suprisingly nice, once they got past the whole Katy Perry "California Girl" thing.

My fourth period was what I had been looking forward to all day: Study hall. My old school didn't believe in having a study period, saying it "wasted time for learning". But here, I was free to do as I pleased (well, basically.) for one hour every day. And today was a perfect time to get a run in before try outs, loosen up my muscles, get ready to dance.

I headed for the gym locker room, and was about to open the door when it swung open, nearly hitting me in the face. Clarissa walked out, a shorter red head by her side.

"Oh, hey Baylee!" Clarissa sneered in a sickeningly sweet voice. "Free period?"

"Yeah, just gonna go run on the track for a bit." I said cautiously, motioning toward my Adidas bag.

"Kane said you liked to run.... I don't see the point in getting hot and sweaty for no reason, personally. But, to each her own! Have you met Tiff?"

"I don't believe I have, no. Hi, I'm Baylee. Tiffany, is it?" I asked, extending my hand.

"Tiffany Clark. My dad owns Clark Companies here, and most all of this school." Tiffany said with a cocky grin, leaving my hand dangling in the air. I quickly dropped it to my side.

"Nice to meet you. I should uh, go, if I'm going to get a decent run in. Late." I said before rushing into the locker room, but not before I heard Clarissa snicker,

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