Chapter 3

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Hey everyone! Sorry in advance if this chapter gets a bit rambly, I struggled with writer's block for part of it /: Thank you so much for reading, so let's get into chapter three! (:


Chapter 3

Clarissa's P.O.V

I pulled into Kane's driveway, Tightrope by Janelle Monae blaring.

"Let me see you do the tightrope!" I sang along, getting out of my pink Mustang convertible, and walked to the door. I knocked once, and the door flew open, but instead of Kane standing behind it, it was his mother.

"Clarissa, dear, so nice to see you!" She drawled in her thick Australian accent, long black hair blowing slightly in the breeze. Kane looked so much like his mother. I always loved how Kane's family still had their accents, even after living in southern USA for five years. "Are you looking for Kane?" She asked, intruding my thoughts.

"As a matter of fact I am, Mrs. Wangler! Is he home?" I asked, peering around her into the house, searching for his face.

"He should be out back by the pool. Holler if you kids need anything!" She called as she walked back to the porch.

Perfect, I thought. A day lounging in the sun with my man. I'd spend the whole day buttering him up, and then tonight. . .

"I swear, Kane, if you throw me in!" An unfamiliar girl's voice pulled me out of my daydreams. Who would Kane be hanging out with that I didn't know?

I quickly slipped out of my sundress, revealing my bikini and clomped out to the pool, furious and curious. Only when I got there, Kane's sister, Chloe, was the only person out there. And she certainly wasn't screaming at Kane.

"They're next door." Chloe said, lazily pointing me in the right direction as she floated past on a raft. How'd she know I was looking for him? Wait, did she say 'they'? I was just about to ask when I heard Kane's carefree laugh drift over the hedges. I peeked over, and saw him sitting on the edge of the pool with some beautiful girl, lost in laughter. Who the hell was this chick, and what was she doing with my Kane?

Anger and jealousy bubbled up inside me. This girl was a threat, whoever she was.

I did a quick once over of myself, and slipped through a convenient space in the hedges into her yard. They're heads immediately snapped up, the laughter and smiles fading to shock and wonder. A pang of guilt surged through me. Maybe I should have just gone home, and let them be. Then again, Kane was mine, and this girl wanted him.

I plastered a big smile on my face, and called sweetly to Kane,

"Kane, honey! Your mom told me you were out here, but she didn't say you were with a friend!" I said, putting extra emphasis on the word 'friend'.

"Hey, Clarissa." Kane said, standing up and giving me a hug before sitting back down. "Baylee, meet Clarissa. Clarissa, meet Baylee. She just moved in. And Clarissa is--"

"His girlfriend!" I said, cutting him off. And, showing little miss pretty who's boss, I sat on Kane and kissed him passionately. Only his lips seemed rigid and reluctant for some reason. Did he know? He couldn't. . .

"Ahem!" Baylee coughed, and I pulled away from Kane, throwing her a glare. She simply smirked in return. This girl has got some nerve to do that to me, after all, I was the most popular at school, and could ruin her teen life.

No way was Kane spending the day alone with this girl. She was obviously trying to steal him from me!

"So baby, what are we doing today?" I asked Kane, still glaring at Baylee.

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