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Chapter 1


'Welcome to the end of your days'


It didn't start like this. Once upon a time I loved myself. What happened since then, I'm not sure. It was all kind of a blur. But that's beside the point. You want a story? I'll give you on


Like all stories, this one starts on a miserable grey day. The sky was a dull grey, it was too cold to wear just a t-shirt, but it was too warm to wear a sweater. It was dewy, and foggy, and pretty much just a dull miserable day. Calling me a pessimist? Go ahead. I think of myself as one too.

I threw on a baggy sweatshirt and some jeans, like I do everyday. It's simple, it's doesn't stand out, and it covers my scars. I went downstairs, and ran outside before anyone could yell at me.

"Just another shitty day" I muttered under my breath.

Everyday went like this. Although some days I was yelled at. And if they were willing to get off their lazy butts, I'd usually get shoved into a counter, or sometimes the island in our kitchen.

As I said earlier, it was a miserable day, although I didn't really mind, because when it's a really nice day, everyone looks at you and says 'beautiful day, huh' and usually, you're supposed to respond with something like 'yes! Although yesterday wasn't very nice' and have a nice long conversation about the weather. And so when it's miserable, first of all, nobody is outside, and if anyone is, they're usually like me, people who enjoy this drab weather and most importantly, don't like talking to people.

And the day continued on fairly normal. I walked in, and the whispers started, I wanted to look at them all and say "you know I'm not deaf, right?" But it's not like that would get me anywhere. Someone would probably just say "really? You think we didn't know that? We've known all this time, loser. We just like to see the look on your face." And then everyone snickers and walks away. It doesn't take me anywhere.
I continued down the hall, stopped at my locker, and didn't even look at the notes on my locker.
Ugh. What one move does to your reputation.


My day continued on as it was when I entered; boring. I'm not surprised or disappointed, as I didn't want a body to fall from the ceiling and Drew Tanaka to scream and run out of the building; not that that would happen. Our town is a pretty dull place. Neighboring it is a tiny 'village', which has one store, and basically runs off of our town. I mean, nobody even knows about our town. We say 'Bristol' and they don't even understand where we are.

It was only during lunch when something actually happened. Well, kinda.


I'm not exactly sure what was going on at Bristol DHS, but I'm pretty sure that Chase and Ethan weren't supposed to be beating each other up, while Haley was huddled near them, with Lacy comforted her; and Drew was giving them a dirty look.

Ah. High School.

I stayed out of it, as usual. Once upon a time I would've gotten myself involved, but that was in the past; I wasn't Miss. Popular anymore. I was the outsider.
I grabbed a simple ham and cheese sandwich, threw the lunch lady a 5 dollar bill, and sat at a table the furthest away from people, at my usual table. The table was stained and covered with sharpie. I liked it. It was like me. Used, was once a popular spot, but was somehow rejected, and now sat alone.

Although I knew what I did

I shook the thought out of my head. I did nothing wrong. It was all Luke.
It was all Luke.
It was all Luke.

That reminded me of Thalia.
"No." I muttered to myself

It was Luke that did it all. She did it for him, and he betrayed us.

"No. No. No. No." I repeated, although I'm fairly sure I slowly got louder as I went.

She was paying for his mistakes.

"No. No. No. No. No." I kept saying

"NO!" I finally screamed, as it echoed throughout the lunchroom.

Everyone stopped to look at me, and I saw that Ethan was now in a headlock from Chase, and Haley and Drew were having a physical 'cat' fight. I thought about chuckling to myself, but dismissed the idea.
Like that would go well. It would make the whispers worse.
I heard a snicker.

There we go! Here comes the insults!

"Aww." Mark said "Did Annie break again? Did Thalia's 'brave heroic sacrifice' make you cry again?"

I wanted to throw a punch directed right at his jaw, but I knew better than to. Not that it wouldn't make a mark, I can throw a punch, but it wouldn't get me anywhere. They'd probably just laugh even more.
"Are you still not over that, Annie? I mean come on. Luke-" I tuned him out after this, because I already knew what was he was going to say. He was going to talk about some random crap that I did, how it was my fault, and that Luke was a traitor and that I should've done what he said. And it was the truth.

Eventually, I guess, they ran out of points, and continued fighting, because I eventually looked over and I saw Chase get rammed into a wall, and Drew, lunging at Haley? I kept watching, because I was entertained, and because I needed to get my mind off of, them. I tried not to mention them, because if I did, I'd be bound for a anxiety attack. I'd already had my fresh share of those.

The bell rang and I took one more good look at their table. There was something I was missing. My eyes caught contact with another boy still at the 'popular' table. He quickly looked away, but I found myself continuing to stare. It was his eyes. There was the colour, the swirling mass of teal and green, with specks of white, but it was the way they looked a bit sad. I knew this because everyone told me my eyes did this. They had this shattered aura around them. They made him look broken.


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