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If I'm going to be honest, I could probably cry about how well this story went. Yes maybe I didn't get over 1000 reads, but I couldn't care less because I was hoping for like, 6 people.

The fact that I'm almost at 800 reads is killing me.

So thank you all of my beautiful readers, especially @MrsMarkiplier and @AnnabethCH45E

I'm gonna dedicate this to Clare, for not only telling me how every chapter, but because you should know that there are always people that love you. So knowing that, love yourself girl.

Also kind of bonus content.. when I started writing this book I had literally no idea where it was going and all I knew was that Annabeth was sad and so was Percy (as you can tell in my first draft picture picture above).

Thanks for reading, I love you and I might cry.

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