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October Snow
"Call me Ms. Mistake"

Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours, hours transformed into days, and days slowly became weeks. It was a blur. Not a sunset, tangerine, blood red, and lemon yellow blur with the odd clouds you'd find on Google Images if you searched up 'sunset tumblr', more like a gritty, coarse blur, that you inspect for a couple seconds and regret it, because its a blurry mess.

And I loved every second of it.

Thinking back on it, it was tough. It was also confusing, overwhelming, and extremely heavy.

Percy was nice, but also very odd. I don't know how I didn't figure out that he was odd, but I guess you get caught up with the rest of high school and it's reputation of being fake.

We met at Quiznos twice a week for the science project, the only 2 hour periods we had between his football and swimming and track and basketball practices. I hung out way after he left and until the employees kicked me out, it wasn't like I had anything to do. Those were the days 'Dad' and 'that woman' were working late. If they weren't, I was screwed.

"Why don't we work at your house?" I innocently asked him one day.

"No." He snapped


That was the wrong thing to say.

"It's just, it's nothing. Mom doesn't want guests, that's all."

Probably sounded pretty ominous, but to a teenage girl, it was a perfectly fine response.


I was snapped out of my blur one cold October evening, at maybe three degrees (Celsius), and snow was glaring at me from outside my window. This put me in a negative mood already, since it wasn't even Halloween.

I don't know where you live, and if it's some warm tropical place where if it snows all your thoughts will just be, "OOH SNOW I LOVE SNOW!" but we have 5 or 6 months of straight snow here in Bristol. Sure it's sometimes nice, but when you're seventeen years old and for every single one of those seventeen years 45 percent of every single year is snow, it gets annoying. By April, all of the snow is melting and the water is pooling in your streets, and then it's warm(ish) so you don't wear gloves but the snow is gritty and full of dirt.

Basically my weather is great.

Should I be complaining? Ask me that again later.

I mean, people always say you never you got until it's gone, but it's not like I have anything that could possibly go away.

It's already gone away.

I was also complaining about Halloween, because it was a tender 5 days until the candy infested holiday. Now, before my life became hell, I would've loved this.

I mean, me and the gang would be invited to all the parties, I'd pass out on the drugs but definitely not the drinking, and we'd all just had a grand old time. I'd laugh at all of the different 'sexy' outfits surrounding me, and Thalia and I would play count the cats to try to see how many black sexy outfits called 'cats' we could find (which included Thalia and I).

But all of that was no more.

I now spent my Halloween hiding up in my 'room', playing one of my favourite playlists titled "pissed off (probably at you)."


It was as calm as could be, but this is a book. You're not going to read this for a calm, drab day now are you?

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