Living like LARRY!!!!

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I was watching sponge on square pants today...don't judge!

So you know how in one spongebob squarepants episode, Larry lobster tells them that they're weak and need to start being more tough.

He tells them to, 'live life to the fullest', and to 'live everyday like its their last.'

Well they take that to the next level. They try to kill theirselves.

The first 'stunt', is a car demolishing area. (I don't know what it's called so yeah!)

And they're supposed to hop in a car. That car goes down a conveyer belt, gets smashed twice, then gets blasted by a flame thrower, then gets smashed again!

Suicidal much.

EVERYONE POST THIS ON YOU INSTAGRAM!!!! Plz. For me and for sponge bob!


Who would want spongebob dead! No one! Am I right!




I think I may be doing to many hashtags.

I should leave.





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