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"She's not though is she - she's yours"

Shays PoV

I watched my sisters face turn from angry to sad , her eyes misted over and tears began to silently fall down her cheeks .

"I was sixteen" she whispered .

"Yeah and you where careless Carlie of me and Collette hadn't stepped up God knows where you'd be , so don't come round telling me what to do and what not to do because when you have up on her I have her s chance" I yelled .

"That's what you think I gave up on her , you think I'd give up on my baby , you have no idea shay what you think I didn't care I didn't cry for years after I handed my baby over calling someone else mummy you think it doesn't kill me that things didn't turn out diffrent that my baby my little girl doesn't call me mom because you are so wrong and as for being careless I assure you it wasn't my choice" I cry .

"You mean" I whisper .

"Yes" she sobs "yes I was a kid myself shay and I did it did it for her" she sobbed hysterical now "I did it for her" she cries even harder .

I hug my sister until she stops crying .

"I'm sorry Carlie I didn't know" I say guilty .

"No you didn't no one did everyone just thought I was the village slut but no one had a clue , I-I've got to go Kayden and cooper are at home and they'll wonder where I'm going" she says sanding up and wiping her eyes .

"Carlie wait , d'you mind if I come round and say sorry to Kayden tomorrow I am still her dad unless" i trail off .

"No" Carlie snaps "Kayden can never find out ever" she says .

I nod .

"Ok but do you mind if I still come round tomorrow?" I ask .

She nods "I'll text you when" she says before leaving .

Carlies PoV *flash back*

"Ok Carlie one more push and your little girl will be here " says the midwife encouragingly .

The pain is unbearable and all of it to see my brother and sister in law walk of with my baby In there arms . I know they're helping me by doing this and it's what best for my daughter but it still hurts , it really hurts .

I give a massive push and then the pain is gone and a feeling of relief comes rushing over me followed by a sound of a baby crying . My baby . Shay and Collettes baby .

"My little girls wrapped in a blanket and given to me .

She's so beautiful she has a little patch of fine blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes .

"Oh she's beautiful Carlie well done" says Collette .

"Thanks" I murmer .

"She's gorgeous sis are you sure this Is what you want?" Asks shay .

I nod bravely .

"Do you mind giving us a minute?@ I ask politely .

"Of course not we'll be outside" smiles a nurse .

Once everyone's gone I look into my daughters eyes .

"Hey little girl you will never know this but I'm your mummy but i will be your auntie shay and Collette are gonna be your mummy and daddy but you will always be my daughter no mater what and despite the fact you'll never know your my little girl and I'm doing this for you because I love you"

*end of flash back*

I wipe away a tear from my eyes as I drive back along the road to my house back to coop and Kayden .

"Eurghh , I can't let cooper and Kayden see me like this" I mutter as I pull over and re do my make up .

When u get home the house is quiet .

Wierd I think to myself entering the house to find coop and Kayden asleep on the sofa . They look so cute . I throw a cover over them .

"Good night my babies , mom loves you" i whisper before going to my room .

A/N that chapter was really hard to write and please don't hate me for writing it also sorry it's so short was just a quick one to get to the good bits that's coming up 😘

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