Whats going on?

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Kaydens PoV

I woke up on my aunts sofa with coop next to me . I smile slightly and ruffle his hair .

"Morning Kayden" he whispers rubbing his eyes .

"Hey little man" I whisper back .

"Wanna watch me play Pokemon on my ds?" He asks .

"Sure" I smile .

He runs of and I pick up my phone which I'm suprised to see I have a load of texts and missed calls .

Mum : Kayden when are you coming home? X

Mum : Kayden your dad didn't mean what he said! X

Mum : pick up your phone .

Gavin : of your not coming back can I have your room?

Avia : please come back Kayden you have to help me with my gymnastics xx

And then there was one that caught my eye .

Dad : I'm sorry .

I reply to Gavin no , I write I'll be back soon to Avia and to rember to keep her toes pointed I reply I don't know to mum and well I don't know what to say to dad so I say nothing .

I put my phone down and my aunt walks in .

"Hey baby" she says softly .

"Hey , are you ok?" I ask noticing her eyes are a little puffy and her tear stained cheeks .

"Yeah I'm fine you?" She asks .

"I'm ok I guess" shrugging .

"You know what's us go out to breakfast it's better than say here being depressed" says my aunt back to her perky self .

"That's sounds great but umm I have nothing to wear" I say guesting to my pjammas .

"Your the same size as me" she says and holds out her hand .

I grin and take it . I end up dressed in white jeans a pretty two layer flowery top and a pair of nude pinky colour pumps .

"There beautiful" smiles my aunt fixing my make up .

I smile at her .

"Thanks I say hugging her .

"Your welcome favourite niece" she winks .

"So where are we going?" I ask as Myself Carlie and cooper exit the car .

"Umm I don't actually no , cooper where do you fancy going bud?" Asks Carlie .

"Waffle House" he shouts .

"Waffle House it is" I grin .

Carl's links arms with me and coop runs of ahead .

We get to the Waffle House and take our seats . We're just about to order when the last people on earth I want to see . My parents ...

When they spot me they come running towards us or mum does dad just follows awkwardly .

"Kayden why hasn't you answered your phone , I was so worried about you" she said .

"I'm sorry I did text you back" I say .

"We were so worried weren't we shay , SHAY" says my mum .

"Yeah" he says quietly .

"He has something to say to you" sad mum firmly .

"Yeah I'm sorry" he says .

"Shay" says my mum warningly .

"Look Kayden I am sorry I didn't mean it , do you forgive me?" He asks .

I wait a second before slowly nodding .

"So your coming home" says my mum .

I shake my head .

"Why not" she asks .

"Well me and aunt Carlie had plans so I decided to just stay there a few days" I lied .

"Ok , when are you coming home" a few days" I say .

"Ok" says mum "I love you" she says .

"I love you two" I smile "both of you" .

My dad smiles and we say goodbye .

"Why didn't you want to go back?" Asks my aunt softly .

"I can't just go back there auntie Carlie and pretend like nothing happened , I just need a little time do you mind if I stay with you?" I ask .

"Of course not you can stay with me as long as you want" she says .

I smile gratefully just as our waffles Come out , at least that's something to cheer me up .

----------------/3 days later\--------------

I smile at my aunt as we pull up at my house . She smiles back and hugs me .

"You ready?" She asks .

I nod and we both exit the car . I open the door to be created by my siblings . They all hug me and then I see my parents . I hug them both before saying I'm getting changed and going to my room .

I change into my clothes and head to the lounge where my mum and aunt Carlie are talking quietly .

"So shay told me about what happened , Carlie why didn't you tell me?" Asked my mum .

"It's not really something you mention over dinner is it" my aunt sighs .

"I know but Carlie how did you keep that to yourself all these years?" Asked mum .

"I did what I had to do , for her I did it all for her Collette it killed me it still does but I did it because it was best for her" said my aunt getting choked up .

"Carlie do you not think she has the right to no" asks my mum .

"No" my aunt says "Kayden can never find out I'm her real mum"

KaydenTardNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ