4.The institute

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"Miss Barton-lee. Welcome to the institute." A bald man in a wheel chair welcomed me at the door of his office, I assume he is this Xavier character that Scott told me about on the trip here. He was very keep on conversation, turns out he's quite a motorcycle geek. We did have a very long plane ride and then a car trip. We were, understandably, quite tired by now.
"Sir, I must say, this is not at all what I'd expected to see when I was told I'd be visiting a school." He smiled, understanding my surprise.
"I'm professor Charles Xavier, the founder of the x-men. You're in my school for gifted youngsters." He elaborated.
"I was hoping I wouldn't have to spend most of my time studying anymore, but with a professor keeping an eye on the marks here, looks like I'll have to start burning the midnight oil." I joked.
"From what I heard, that brilliant mind of yours won't need very much studying." A white haired woman in a tight, full body suit walked in and leant against the professor's desk.
"This is Storm, she'll be one of your main teachers." I smiled at her gratefully, it's nice to know there'll be a strong mutant and confident young woman for me to ask for help should I need it.
"I'm glad you arrived safely; come, let me show you to your room, I'll explain how daily classes and activities work around here." She smiled.
"I'd appreciate that. Thank you professor." I greeted, following Storm to the door.
"Sam, if you need anything, don't hesitate to visit me." My smile signaled my thanks before I hauled my bags onto my back and continued after Storm.
"You'll have your own room for a while, as you adjust to your new environment and peers. Then you'll be moved to a dorm with the students you get along with." The room was small, with a single bed and small cupboard next to the entrance of a basic en suite bathroom.
"I'll bring up your schedule and syllabus brief with any other paper work you'll need when I get the chance." She headed for the door.
"Would you prefer for me to collect them, I'm pretty sure I have more time on my hands." I offered.
"Sure, second floor, third office on the North facing side of the mansion. They should be done printing by the time you've finished unpacking." She smiled gratefully.
"Great, I'll see you later then." She nodded before closing the door behind her.

I slumped onto the bed. How's this for a better life. I started mentally planning where my clothes would go as I put my earphones in my ears.

We were both young when I first saw you
I closed my eyes and the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air
See the lights see the party the ball gowns
See you make your way through the crowd and say hello
But little did I know.

Shirts there, shorts there...... the stuff from my real dad there. I'd gotten a chain to put the key on, it reminds me to keep searching for answers about my past.

So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while.
I sang as I went.
I could hear every thought of all the students and teachers in the building. My telepathic abilities are very complicated. "Sure," people think, "how complex can mind reading be?" In my case: very complex. I can shut it off completely, focus on one person or a small group of people or I can allow the thoughts and conversations of everyone near me swarm my mind. I've started learning how to control it, which basically means being able to focus on particular groups or individuals. The more focused I am the less 'background noise' I get from the people around them and myself. It can be exhausting and I regularly end up having late nights as I have to wait until others in my vicinity are asleep and their minds quiet, otherwise, as I drift off and concentrate less on blocking the further voices out, the noise just increases until I'm hearing even subconscious thoughts that the people themselves aren't aware of. It's incredibly overwhelming. Like having every TV channel playing at once instead of just flipping between them or concentrating on one in particular.
"....he just doesn't get it, I mean, I don't want to be romantically..." "...dude, did you see that chick yesterday? She was just like..." "...something's not right, usually, I can control it easily, but since sir told me about..." "...look, I don't like him in that way, he's just..." "...yeah, it's been really hot lately, maybe professor storm can make it rain and we can go singing in the rain, ha ha..." "yes, she was all alone when I found her, kind of depressing that this is the norm for young mutants like her." "It is sad, isn't it, let's hope the government decides against any mutant registration type thing."
I entered the room where the last two voices had come from, I met Scott's distracted gaze and saw Dr grey who was sorting through some papers.
"Hi, I was told I could find my paperwork in here?" I cautiously interrupted. Jean smiled and headed over to another pile of papers. She flipped through some freshly printed documents.
"I believe I will be teaching you geography and history." She handed me a ten page wad of papers. I looked at the first page to see pictures of the teachers with their names and the subjects they teach.
"It appears so, I'll,see you at... ten o'clock in..... room 8b." I referenced my timetable. Before heading out the door.
"Oh, bye Mr Summers. Thanks for bringing me by the way." I turned around just in time to see him nod in acknowledgment.
How's that for being deep in thought, not even a smile.

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