5.Progress report

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It's been a few days since Scott brought me here. I'm getting along quite well. I'm doing quite well in my classes even though the amount of time I've spent revising in the afternoons has decreased. I've made a few friends, guy friends mainly (to my surprise) and am enjoying everyday as it comes.
This afternoon had been pretty slow, not much to get done and a very chilled mood around the dorms. I invited Bobby and Pyro up to my individual room to 'chill' because the word 'chat' is primarily for girls. I'm closer to them than I am the others, maybe except for Kitty who was busy with her bunch of friends this afternoon. I would've joined but I struggle being around a lot of people.
"So..." I took a sip of chocolate milk out of my glass which had been placed on my bedside table with the others' drinks.
"What are your back stories?" I asked. Pyro looked down when Bobby and I looked at him. Bobby shook his head, knowing John wouldn't be willing to open up about his past. Even him, Bobby, one of his closest friends, doesn't know much about it.
"My parents live in Boston. They think I'm at a prepschool for the gifted. They don't know about my mutation. If they did, my brother would most probably do anything he could to get me locked up for it." He looked down, anger and sadness in his eyes when he mentioned his brother's inevitable betrayal.
"It must be pretty stressful going back home then; making sure they don't get into your school stuff, not using your power.... I feel you bro." I attempted to give him a manly, sympathetic pat on the back. John looked back down. I gave a small smile of understanding.
"Don't worry, John. I don't expect you to tell me." I shrugged. "Some skeletons are too dark to pull out the closet." He smiled both apologetically and appreciatively, maybe even a bit affectionally.
"And you?" He cautiously asked. I sighed.
"Well...I'm adopted. I wasn't told this until I decided to leave home after I almost hurt someone with my power. Before that I'd been disregarded by my mom when I found my powers. She also forbade my dad from, essentially, being nice to me. So he took to cheating on her. Anyway, between being shunned and leaving, I picked up as much work as I could trying to impress my mom to win her love back. I excelled in all my extra murals: won every horse riding show, got medals and certificates in dancing and made it to the final round of a formal national singing competition. I took up all the chores and did homework with my 'special student' sister daily. I also got the highest marks (grades) I have in years. But, in the end, she just tried to make me hurt someone. She succeeded and I left."
"Wow. That's a backstory, alright." Bobby marveled.
"So, what's next, you know, what's your plan now?" John asked.
"Find my biological family. I'm not entirely sure how, so, for now I'll stay at the institute, finish school, figure out my mutation. Then I'll fully focus on my search." I clarified.
"You've got it pretty much figured out don't you?" Bobby joked.
"Well, sleepless nights might as well be good for something." I reasoned. John looked at me, empathy in his eyes. I nodded, then smiled. I'm okay. I'm better now than I have been for a long time.
"Ok, enough depressing talk. Let's go do something fun." I suggested. Both nodded, eager to stop the reopening of wounds.
We headed down to the entertainment room, chatting about work and our teachers. Highlight of that afternoon was Bobby's Morgan Freeman impression, but a close second was playing foosball with the guys. Bobby and I ended up against John who whipped our butts what felt like thousands of times. The ball would fly between the players, John's red ones moving with incredible accuracy and our blue ones either sprinting in the wrong direction or sauntering at a snail's pace towards the ball, and when they were finally lined up they'd kick and miss, badly, legs flying over and past the ball and then coming back down only to whack it in the wrong direction.
"Okay! How are you doing that?" I flung my arms in the air disbelievingly. John shrugged, responding with a smirk.
"It's red advantage, it must be. Come on let's swop. Bobby and I on red and you on blue." I insisted.
"Alright," his ego had inflated three sizes, ", I guess I'll have to take it even easier on you now." He winked at me. I desperately tried to hide my blush by repeatedly tapping Bobby and saying:"come on, Bobby. Trash talk."
"What makes you think I can trash talk?" His face contorted into what could only be described as bewilderment.
"Well, I can't so you have to. C'mon, for red, and all other reds everywhere." I prattled. All of us laughed. John and I ended up locking eyes, smiling blissfully from either side of the foosball table.
"No, Sam. That's the Dark Side! You can't leave me for the Dark Side!" Bobby feigned panic and betrayal trying to break the silence he'd found uncomfortable.
"Never, Bobby. I would never." I assured.
Bobby tossed the ball onto the table. "So. We playing foosball?"


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