7. The X-men

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"Our sources have revealed that he could have a daughter, with which he has attempted to communicate. She could be used against him, and the royal family if they know of and care for the child." Her father nodded, releasing a thoughtful growling noise.
"Keep her in your sights. I have a feeling we'll be needing her soon." His booming growl ordered his daughter away, without question.
"It's almost time. Keep the dragons hungry and contact Laufey, he must prepare for his son's return." He smirked, his words drawing every ounce of courage from his guard. Never, would any man or beast who wished to live, go against him and his command.
It had been a few days since I'd last had a class with Jean. She'd been preparing to address a senate on mutants registration, countering senator Kelly. This avid and persuasive speaker would be hard to beat, especially when he had so much evidence towards his point. Her classes had been handed over to Scott.
"Alright, self defense using mutations..." Scott started, glancing through pages in our theory book.
"He seems very distracted." Kitty whispered to Bobby. Remember how my telepathy enhances my "hearing" of nearby conversations? Yup, that's how I heard them from across the class. Funnily enough, it seems to be , somewhat, selective hearing; which explains why I didn't hear what Mr Summers cursed at a page in the book.
I could hear his thoughts. He was ready to walk out the class. Annoyed at everything. He was clearly stressed. Maybe about Jean's senate address, they care so much about each other that they're practically the same person.
"Sir, could we not try a practical lesson today. We're so bored of theory." I suggested.
'I know you're feeling frustrated, I thought being outside and not having to watch us write stuff might help.' I added telepathically. He nodded.
"Pack up for the next lesson and meet me outside on the court in five minutes." He strode out of the class....or office. He gave me a small smile and a pat on the shoulder, in thanks, on his way out.
"Right, defense against different types of mutants. We need two pairs to mock fight so the others can observe and analyze." That sounded professional, right? Scott headed towards a bench.
"Pyro and Iceman, Kitty and......." I scanned the class, suggesting pairs. I couldn't go in because telepathy is only really fair in group fights....
".......Colossus?" I got some strange looks for my last suggestion, but everyone agreed it would be quite interesting to see.
I felt a large hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Cyclops smiling approvingly and signaling for me to follow him inside. I raised my eyebrows, gesturing to the class. He shrugged it off, sure they'd be fine. We left the group in a controlled fight.
"That was a pretty interesting suggestion; they're two very different mutants. One; quick and agile, the other; forceful and strong. Both counter each other in their weakness. Colossus could not be as agile as Kitty, and Kitty not strong enough to take him out alone. This teaches them that, not only must they be strategic about who and where they fight, but also that, sometimes, teamwork is the only way to get something done." We walked for a while after exiting the downward elevator. The halls were clear of anything resembling the school.
"I'd only really thought of the first part. If Kitty keeps agile enough, she'll stay out of his grasp. If Colossus stops using brawn and plans his attack properly, he'll catch her."I responded. "What are we down here for, anyway?"
"You've got a high chance of ending up an x-man soon. I thought I'd see if you can put your strategies to work in a more realistic situation." Huh? He entered a code into a keypad next to a round, electronic door which opened immediately after.
"A simulation. You think of a situation and story behind it, and I'll make it happen." He retreated behind a wall with a glass panel. A realistic test, okay.
"A gang of robbers is just about to escape from their bank heist." I thought aloud, "In a few seconds, the alarms will go off when they exit the vault without the exit code. In a few minutes the cops will arrive. I'm a customer in the bank, and the only one who knows of the robbers." I looked to my teacher. "My goal is to have the gang disabled, money returned and have stealthily retreated before the cops arrive." He looks at me, giving me a chance to go back. I gave him a confident nod and he activates the virtual reality.
I'm in the scene. People are going about their boring financial related tasks, but I can hear the conversation in the main vault, bags being stuffed with other people's valuables. I walk behind a desk nearby the steel dead locked doors. I have the perfect view, and I'm not visible from their perspective if I crouch. The vault door is flung open and the robbers emerge, guns ablaze. I take the mind of the first to exit, use him to shoot three of the others, but am discovered by the next before taking him into my control. The fifth is henchman and his main job is to protect his boss. The leader's mind is too strong to take while I'm distracted by the bullets flying in all directions, narrowly missing myself and the civilians. I use the henchman to disarm the leader and keep him still, with his hand pinned behind his back. I then punch him in the temple and willed the sidekick to knockout the others, who were disabled and distracted by the bullets I planted in their legs. I retreat while still in control of the second in command. From a safe distance, I manipulated him to pickup and return the money before the police arrive and I release my hold on his mind. I exit the bank with a panicked façade joining the crowds who had begun retreating from the gunshots. The simulation fades.
"So? What did you think?" I smirked at his mildly shocked and confused expression. The doors opened behind me.
"Not bad at all. So much so, in fact, that Professor wants you on our team as our temporary field telepath." Storm had reached me by the time I'd processed what she was saying.
"Wait, I'm joining the X-men?" No way. This is awesome!
"Yes." She smiled, placing a hand on my shoulder in silent congratulation.
"But I'm sure you'd prefer to hear all about it from the man himself. He's in his office. Just wait for him to finish in there." With that she left the room, with me following five strides behind. I didn't take note of where she'd gone, all I could think of was how awesome this would be.
"Professor?" I peeked around the side of his office door to see him and Jean working at his desk. He smiled.
"You're right on time." Jean turned in her seat facing the professor to tell me that they'd just finished for the day. The red head gathered her papers and left the room, congratulating me on the way out.
"I assume you've heard the news." He gestured for me to sit. I nodded.
"First thing I need to address: are you willing to join the team?" He asked, it might as well have been a rhetorical question.
"Of course." I assured.
"Alright, but you should know that this is a physically and mentally taxing job. You might have to manipulate people in ways you don't feel comfortable with. I know I've struggled with moral dilemmas that I almost couldn't overcome. It takes a clear head. An objective stance on the world." I nodded.
"I try to have those qualities anyway." He smiled slightly.
"That's why I've chosen you. I trust you to be objective and wise in your decisions and actions." I smiled, near ecstatic.
"I won't let you down, Professor." I promised.
"I know you won't." He smiled back. A knock sounded at the door as Scott stepped inside.
"Ah, yes. Sam, Scott with be doing extra self-defense classes with you to prepare you for whatever may happen." I nodded and thanked both of them.
"You should have a uniform by the end of the day." Was the last thing I heard before practically sprinting to tell Bobby and John.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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