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Alpha's POV
Once we get back to my house I walk up to my room and sit on my bead. Soon Luke appears next to me, and I set my head on his shoulder
"Luke can I ask you something?" I ask
"What?" He asks
"If you could come back to life, would you?" I ask
"In an instance" he says
"Well I have a way for you to temporarily be on earth it lasts for a day" I say
"I don't know alpha, what would we have to do" I look down
"We-we would have to find your body, I'd have to do a seance, and then I'd have to giveupmylifeforyour." I answer really fast
"Not gonna happen no!" He stands up
"I'm gonna die anyways let me give you a chance to let you talk to your family again." I answer
"Not gonna happen" he repeats
"Please let me die and honorably death" I say
"Fine, but we do this my way" he answers

A Paranormal Love story (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now