Chapter 8

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Dean's POV

I watched Ellie as she read a book. Something wasn't right, I just knew it. She hadn't been talking to me as much, and she also had not been sleeping. 

"Oh my lord!" Sam exclaimed, Ellie and I looked at him in surprise.

"You two! go for a drive or something! you could cut the sibling tension in here with a knife" Ellie and I didn't respond, just grabbed our jackets and left. I gave Sammy a look of gratitude before closing the door.

"Two bacon cheese burgers, with an order of fries, and two beers" I ordered, we had come to a diner not far from the motel. The waitress nodded and left, Ellie looked surprised.

"No sister of mine is going to be eating any of that rabbit food" She laughed.

"So what's up?" I asked, Ellie sighed.

"I've been thinking a lot about my powers. Cas said I most likely have the strength and mental abilities of a demon. Throwing people against walls with my mind and stuff like that"

"Have you tried?" She shook her head.

"Been to damn scared to do so" I nodded in response. Truth be told I hated the whole demon thing going on with Ellie, but I can't blame her for something that's not in her control.

I grabbed a fork and placed it in the middle of the table,

"Move it" Ellie looked at me confused.

"Move the fork with your mind"

"Dean I-"

"Come on, just try!" She sighed and closed her eyes. A minute later, I watched the fork lift off the table.

"Ellie" I whispered, she opened her eyes and gasped. The fork fell back onto the table. Our food then arrived and we ate in silence.

"How's Cas?" Ellie didn't answer, her beer suddenly becoming very interesting.


"doesn't this kind of fall into the secret category?" The secret category was the category where things we didn't feel comfortable talking to each other about went. Which was basically our sex lives.

"You slept with an agel?"

"Oh no! no no no! we kissed! just kissed!" I squinted my eyes in suspicion, not really believing her story.

"Okay, it was an intense kiss, but cloths stayed on at all times!" I groaned.

"I'll kick that feathery ass of his! no one is good enough for my sister. He thinks he's seen me angry, just wait till I get my hands on-"

"Dean!" Ellie exclaimed with a laugh.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked sounding more serious, I nodded.

"Why are you taking my demon thing so well? I mean with Sammy you were like  volcano, not that I didn't agree with everything you said, but why am I different?" I had to think about my response, not wanting to say anything that could hurt her.

"I think it's because your willing to talk to me about this, you haven't kept your problems a secret. Your letting me help you, and I want to help Sammy, but he won't let me. Hes taken all of this into his own hands, and hasn't made good decisions by doing so. Also, you being this half demon thing wasn't your choice, it was forced onto you. Sammy chose the demon blood. I love him, I love both of you, but I think it's going to be hard for us to move past this one" I explained, Ellie reached across the table and took my hand in hers.

"We're gonna get through this, we have to. You guys are all I have left, I'm not loosing either of you" I nodded. Though I couldn't help but think of the promise she made the night before she died, that'd she would never leave us.  I know her death wasn't her fault, it's not like she wanted to leave us. Though it still hurt like hell, and I know it killed Sammy.

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