Portgas D. Sabo

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Oiii.... Anyways! Here you go!

A young boy who has wavy black hair, freckles, and golden brown eyes skipped through the forest, smiling carelessly as he focused on the house in front of him. His eyes showed enjoyment as he tugged on a long rope, pulling a fairly large tiger behind him.

"Hey! Kid! Get that tiger meat in here NOW!" Growled an angry large lady.

The black-haired boy stuck out his tongue, "Nah~!"

He began running back into the forest, to an old treehouse. His eyes gleamed with amazement as he saw how amazing it looked, even with all the vines outlaying it's form. The old treehouse looked the exact same as the day that everyone had left.

"Uncle... Father..." The little boy whispered those words as he hauled the tiger up into the treehouse, getting ready to eat it.

"SABO!!" A chorus of boys cheered, plus one girl.

"Ah! Guys!" Sabo cheered happily.

"See? I told you he'd respond." Sassed the blue-haired girl as she climbed up the tree to stand by Sabo.

"Fine! You were right, okay, Saffy?" Another blue-haired child responded, motioning his hands as though she was right all the time and they didn't believe her.

"Well, come on guys! I caught a tiger today!" Hollered the black-haired boy as he started a controlled fire in the treehouse, roasting the meat as the blue-haired kids cut up the tiger, not seeming grossed out at all.

One boy stood in the corner, trying not to see that the tiger was being cut open.

"Cedar! Stop being a wuss!" Cried Saffire as she finished her side of the tiger.

"I'll do that when Enol stops spitting at ducks!" Cedar made a come-back, making the other blue-head scowl.

"They aren't ducks. They're swans." He whined.

Saffire's eyes got caught on ducks flying in the distance, "I know this is off topic... But look at all those chickens!"

The boys face-planted, leaving Saffire astounded.

These kids-except for Sabo-all came from the Gray Terminal. Saffire and Enol are twins, and Cedar is their adoptive brother. Actually, none of them have parents. All of the kids are orphans, and live separately, but also together. The four can take care of themselves, and tell stories about what they've heard about their relatives and parents from others, or just stories about the men and women in the Gray Terminal. Although the Gray Terminal has become harder to live in, the citizens of the Gray Terminal still force themselves to stay, unless they decide to move into the woods or out onto the ocean.

Sabo currently lives with some old red-head hag. He doesn't like her very much, but Luffy told him to be nice to her.

The four kids munched on their tiger meat, wondering why they even wanted to eat tiger. They had just decided on tiger, and no one declined, so Sabo went out and hunted one down. That's not to say that he was alone, of course! He also has another close friend, Mephis.

Mephis is their light-brown haired friend. With the long hair of a girl, he runs around and tricks people into giving him money.

Obviously, Luffy had told Sabo all about his childhood, and now Sabo wants to be just like his father and uncle.

"Hey... Sabo?" Saffy questioned in her girly voice while she stopped gnawing on her tiger bone.


"Do you know who your momma is?"

"My momma?"


"Her name was... Portgas L. Kana. At least that's what Uncle Luffy told me." He gave a tight grin, watching his friends' mouths gape wide open.

"You mean you're that amazing guy's grandson?!" Exclaimed Enol-almost squealing like his sister.

"Amazing guy?" Sabo repeated slowly.

"Yeah! Gol D. Roger! Everyone knows about him!" Commented Cedar.

"Never heard of 'im." Sabo began to pick his nose as if on instinct, his friends all collapsing in defeat.

"Hey guys..."

All four heads turned with wide grins to the approaching girl.

"Mephis! Did you try to pick up some guy on the way back again?" Interrogated Cedar innocently.

"No way! I'm a guy!" Mephis-the girly-boy-protested.

"Uh-huh~!" Teased the other children cheerfully, successfully getting on their brown-haired friend's nerves.

--Five Knocks On The Head Later--

"The Marines are in the area for a little while, so I'm going to put a hold on our gatherings for now." Muttered a happier Mephis.

"But we were going to set off next month!" Whined Sabo and Enol together.

"Oh stop being such whiney-babies, you two! We all will be waiting to set off next month." Saffire reluctantly scolded them.

"By the way, is there any tiger left? I'm hungry." Mephis placed his eyes on the last bone with meat on it, drooling everywhere. In a flash, he was past his friends and eating the meat, pulling out the bone after getting off all the meat.

"Oh... That was for Rita." The friends all gulped simultaneously.

Now Rita is their animal friend, pretty small, but very ferocious and scary. A mouse.

Loud screeches could be heard as Rita saw bones laying everywhere. The small black mouse's red eyes looked up at the bone in Mephis's hand menacingly.

And let's just say that it took a while for Mephis to hear properly again.

--That's All For Today!--

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