Friends Are Worth...

43 2 0

"Get down!" Cried a familiar voice. It was Cedar.

Enoc forced himself to the ground, just missing the arrow that whizzed past his head. Another came and skimmed the murderer's nose, cutting into the cartilage. He scrambled for the comfort of the bushes and trees, escaping the distracted killer.

Cedar kept shooting arrows at the man, soon hitting a vital organ he had been wanting to hit. He had no special training with a bow and arrow, but his arms were strong and his hands were covered with gloves so that the strings didn't cut into his skin, nor the wood send splinters into his hands.

His eyes sparkled with a bit of anger and fear mixed. This man would not get away with hurting his friend. Not this time, at least. As long as they're within range, they'll always help each other out, even after they've gone to the opposing sides.

Enoc and Cedar held off the killer for a while, managing to weaken him further, but they couldn't take him down without a concrete plan. They were still kids yet, and none of their muscles have grown stronger since they left their home island. While trying to steal the man's sword, Enoc dodged his deadly attacks. Some of them did nip him, and he winced every so often. Cedar was now mentally praying that Sabo would come and save the day.

It wouldn't happen would it, though? No, of course not.

The two boys fought furiously to keep living through the murderer's vicious blows. Their will to survive grew with each strike they took from the massive man. Cedar and Enoc looked at each other with knowing looks, finally assuming this was their last chance to attack.

They both leapt forward from opposite positions, bearing their weapons at ready, though Cedar was shooting one last arrow before getting ready to strike the man with the sharp point of the bow. Suddenly, the man disappeared from in front of the two and the two boys hit their heads against each other in surprise, not having enough time to react. That's when he appeared behind Cedar and knocked him out with one blow, soon enough getting ready to do the same to Enoc.

"Look out Enoc!" Sabo cried as he jumped out of a tree with a sword in hand above the killer.

Enoc looked up in shock, but grinned once he saw the confident look that Sabo wore on his face. Cocky brat, the blue-haired boy thought, slightly annoyed, but glad all the same.

The killer was so shocked that he didn't have time to react. He was literally cut down by Sabo because of his slowness to react.

"Hurray!!" Exclaimed Sabo, dancing beside the twitching body of the murderer.

No one bothered to help him, he seemed to deserve that punishment.


"Why'd you come?" Both boys asked in curiosity.

"I had a gut feeling. Anyways, you guys! Friends are worth more than family if you don't have any!" Sabo laughed and they all joined in, even though it was a kind of depressing joke to say out loud.

"Good job, kid." Marco patted Sabo's head as they walked back to the Whitebeard Pirate's ship. Of course, it was only one of many ships, but Sabo thought it was amazing all the same.

Enoc and Cedar were trudging along behind them; Cedar with a pout, and Enoc with a mad and irritated face.

"Ughh!" Whined Enoc as he kicked another rock, he wanted to become a Marine still. His dream hadn't changed.

"How come you found a pirate crew first." Whined Cedar at the same time. He was sulking and Sabo was ignoring it completely.

"Come on guys! The ship is sooo cool!" He shouted happily, finally turning around to grab their hands and pull them forwards faster. Sabo was hurting them a little bit with their fresh injuries, but they ignored it. Because Sabo would feel so bad about it if he found out that he was hurting them. It was always best to just leave it be.

"So... What's all of your names? I mean, I know Sabo's, but..." Marco glanced at Enoc and Cedar with untrustworthy glances, "I don't know you two at all."

"I'm Pollie Z. Cedar!" The boy with red hair gave a grin as Sabo pulled the two it's past Marco.

"And I'm Dewkin R. Enoc!" Saluted the boy with long blue hair in a braid down the back.

"What's your name, sir?" Asked Enoc politely, practicing his new way of speech for the Marines.

"Marco." The blonde replied simply, half-heartedly giving the boys a smile.

"See? We're all gonna be great friends!" Sabo was grinning from ear to ear again.

He's one of the brightest kids I've ever seen, Marco thought to himself.

A One Piece Fan-Fic; A Burning FlameUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum