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Now looking longer at the book, it definitely wasn't as thick as The List, but it was still a few hundred pages. "That's actually neat, lemme see that!" North picks the book up in his arms, keeping it from me.

"Jack, this is no joke. There is work to do." he starts paging through the book.

I sigh, "Fine, so what or who are you looking up in there anyway?"

He flips another page and points, "This."

The heading of the page says "BANSHEE", scripted in all caps, and below that, a picture of a screaming woman; she seems like a spirit, or nymph of some sort, lovey but terrifying at the same time. "Okay, I'm a bit scared to ask, but is she what's after me?"

He gives a curt nod, "I think so."

My eyes skim along the text, "Uh, this says she is an 'omen of death'???" just a tad of panic rising in my voice.

"But she is also a messenger or sorts." North's voice is calm and steady, a voice of reason. "The Banshee is not the one after you, but she might be working for the person who is."

"Great! So we just need to find this Banshee, sit her down for brunch and have a nice chat with her and then she'll tell us who is trying to kill me? Sounds like a great plan to me!" I notice I've begun to pace the room, I stop in attempt to calm down but begin to rapidly tap my foot.

"Jack, don't be so dramatic, I'm sure that she'll just come by again and we'll get her then, stop worrying." he says as he continues to read the page of the book.

"Oh even better, I can't wait to be roasted or zapped by lightning again!" I say as I go back to pacing.

"I'm kidding, of course, Jack; she can be summoned," he points at a line on the page, "but we better call everyone else in just in case things get out of control." He closes the book and starts walking towards the door.

I follow close behind, "Do we really need to get everyone involved?"

"Yes, we don't know exactly how much of a danger the Banshee poses. We may not know who it is working for yet, but they must be very powerful to control a Banshee, we must be prepared." North goes to the main console and sends the signal to Tooth, Sandy, and Bunny.

"Fine." I agree, kinda seeing his point, "How do we even summon it anyway?" The Lights, the signal, shining outside the window over the desolate snow.

He steps closer to me, "Well, it is tracking you at the moment so..."

He plucks one of my hairs, "Ow?!" I exclaim while rubbing the spot.

My white hair glistens between North's fingers, "Now with a bit of magic, I can get her here."

A few minutes later, everyone else begins to arrive; Tooth being first. "Jack," she flits to me, "Is this about what happened earlier?" I nod. "Don't worry, we'll figure this out." she reassures before flying over to North leaning over the control panel.

Bunny and Sandy arrive at roughly the same time as each other, Sandy already with a question mark hovering above his head. "What's all this goin' on then?" Bunny hops to North's side, Sandy gliding along.

They are all on the other side of the room. Then in the moment of silence, North looks up at me and everyone else's eyes follow. I shift under everyone's gaze.

"Ah, great. What you do?" Bunny directs towards me. I respond with a joking sneer.

North places a hand on his shoulder, "It is not anything Jack did, that we know of,"

"Ha ha." I walk closer to the group.

North scrunches his face, "Well, actually,"

"Are you serious? You think I peeved off some magical person or creature I've never met on purpose?"

He shrugs, "I am not saying you did anything on purpose, but you must have done something; I can't imagine whoever is after you to have no motive."

I rub my face with my hands, "Great. Let's just get this over with." I leap to the nearby windowsill and look out into the snow while North proceeds to explain the whole situation: the overheated room, the lightning message (with a bit of help from Tooth), and the banshee.

"This actually sounds sort of serious." Bunny comments frankly, I feel his eyes on me.

"It is very serious," North corrects, "and we all must be prepared for whatever happens next."

That's my cue to join the bunch again. I step down from my window, staff gripped tightly in my hand, "Let's do this."

At the moment, an elf waddles up holding a tray with a small covered bowl. The bowl is pretty low key, plain and tan colored, compared to everything else in The Shop. North takes off the lid, revealing a white, almost blinding, glow. He takes a pinch of the glowing substance and places it in the palm of his other hand, "That will be all." the elf then wanders away, followed by a yeti watching over him.

North holds my white hair in his other palm, almost invisible next to the shining light in his other hand. "Ready?" everyone takes a fighting stance. "Here we go!" he says before whispering something incomprehensible and clapping his hands together.

There is a puff of silver smoke that surrounds us. I have to turn my head away to keep from breathing it in or getting it in my eyes. When I look back there is a cloaked figure in the center of our gathering. Everyone else seems slightly disoriented by the smoke, except North, who stands tall over the hunched figure in the shadowy, floating cloak. "Why are you after Jack Frost?!"









i can say there will be new chapters every 1-2 weeks or so, at least, depends on how busy i am

so Follow me and stay tuned :)

Rise of the Guardians 2 - After the EndWhere stories live. Discover now