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"Jack, it's best that you listen to North this time." Tooth flits over to me, laying a hand on my shoulder.

I laugh it off "Since when do I not listen to him?"

"Well-" Bunny starts.

"Okay, I get it! Thank you." I remark, making my way back to my room, the only pace I'm allowed to be from now, apparently.

Halfway to the elevator, Tooth catches up to me, taking quickly as usual, "Jack, this is all for the best. None of us want to see you get hurt. This is the only way he can make sure you're safe." she tries to assure me.

"Just because I haven't been a guardian as long as you guys, doesn't mean I'm clueless, if anything, I've been handling myself relatively as long as you guys have." I gripe as we head up the elevator, leaning in on my staff.

"But we've never had attacks on us as individuals before Pitch, these attacks against you are totally out of the norm, especially with Pitch gone, we have no idea what we're up against." she finishes as the elevator comes to a stop. "Please be patient."

I sulk down the hallway to my room, Tooth fluttering behind. When I reach my door, I pause, letting out a pent up sigh, "I understand, but I'm used to having the winds of the world under my feet, I won't stay bottled up here." I make the mistake of looking back at her. Her eyes big and pleading. I break a bit, "I'll try." I promise her; and with that I shut the door behind me, locking myself in my own prison.

I did my best. I kept my door locked no matter how much the yetis grumbled, saying that I could at least stretch out into the shop and the rest of the place, but I kept in, while also escaping out the windows to fly around the workshop at night. I never left the North Pole for that week though. During the second week, North comes to knock on my door, "Jack, we are 'aving important visitor today." I would like you to join us." he says from behind my locked door.

I lean against the other side of the door, "whose coming?" I ask, curious at the surprise change of pace.

"Mother Nature."

I crack open the door, "Seriously?" I can't hide my shock. Mother Nature is up there with Manny in importance. I always thought that she and I were connected somehow, being I controlled ice and snow, while she could also do that, and everything else.

He nods, "Yes, I figure if anyone could help at this point, it would be Mother; she knows most everyone in the world, including magical beings like us." he pauses, "So follow me, she will be here soon enough."

I fully open the door for the first time in more than a week, and follow North down to the Globe room, where I still can't help but gaze at the lights shining from within across the giant globe, each representing a kid who believes in us. Sometimes I'm still amazed that after all these years, some of those lights, believe in me.

"'Ere she comes, Jack." North calls back my attention to the window where a glowing sphere approaches us from outside. It phases through the window and settles on the floor. The light dims, revealing Mother Nature herself. Long, auburn hair tumbles around her shoulders and emerald green dress; even standing still, the dress looks like the wind currents themselves. Her face is round and kind looking.

"Welcome back, Mother Nature! What's it been, a few hundred years?" North approaches her with open arms. As he nears her, I notice that she is even a bit taller than he is.

"North," her voice rings like chimes, "it has been too long. It is unfortunate that such circumstances must be what brings us together."

"Yes, yes. Speaking of, have you met Jack?" North moves aside, letting me stand straight on with Mother.

"No, I've never had the pleasure," she glides across the floor closer to me. "it is nice to finally meet the newest Guardian who helped bring the end to Pitch."

I'm not sure what to do. I bow my head a little, straightening up from leaning on my staff. "Thank you, it's nice to meet you too."

She nods in my direction, before turning back to North, "Does this whole thing have to do with that Banshee rumor floating around the eastern winds?"

North chuckles, "Ha, just a misunderstanding, but yes, yes. It is past." he leads her to one of the chairs against the wall. She and he sit, I stay standing. "We were hoping that you could maybe give us some, eh, 'Mother-ly' insight into the situation."

She seems to take a moment to gather her thoughts, after a moment she begins shaking her head ever so slightly, "From what you described, I can't imagine who would do this. With Pitch gone, there has been peace. And Jack hasn't exactly been around long enough with the rest of us to make other enemies."

I can't help but smile at the thought that Bunny was doing all this. We butt heads sometimes, but that's just who we are when put near each other.

"But it must be a being of great power, to be able to burn the trees and heat up his room to such intense temperatures." North gets up and begins pacing the room.

Mother continues to shake her head, "I am sorry that I am not as much help as I thought I could be." she begins to get up from her seat.

"Must you go so soon?" North pauses mid stride.

She nods, "I'm afraid so." she takes North's hand, "Till next time, my friend." she then turns towards me, leaning against the wall, "It sounds like a second reckoning is on its way for you. Take care." she starts moving to the window she came in.

I stand there with a blank stare, 'Second reckoning'? That's what the tree in Tooth's palace...

"Stop! Wait!" I sprint after her, my feet nearly flying off the ground. But I'm still too slow. She phases through the window that I just run smack into. I watch from the floor as her golden ball of light fades into the distance.

"Jack! What is with you??" he yanks me off the ground and onto my feet. "What do you think you were doing?"

"She said what was written on the tree at Tooth's place, almost exactly! She knows something."






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Rise of the Guardians 2 - After the EndWhere stories live. Discover now