After the End

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I waved to Jamie and his friends as long as I had them in sight. The morning was beautiful with the snow dressing the trees, if i do say so myself. The kids jumped and waved and cheered as we flew away. I'd be back someday, there's no doubt in my mind about that, but this felt final.

My ears catch the familiar tinkling of a snow globe, coupled with a 'whoosh' that transports us into the frigid air over the North Pole. I watch as the portal closes behind us, cutting off our view of the kids and replacing our view with an endless tundra of snow. I lay back in the sleigh, causing something to fall out of my front pocket. My baby teeth container. I sit up, "Hey Tooth," I call over the rushing wind.

Her head perks up from her position opposite me on the sleigh, she flits over to me, "What's up Jack?" She asks.

I pick the container up off the seat next to me where it slid out, "Here," I offer it to her, "you are the Tooth Fairy afterall, i think these belong to you."

She looks at me thoughtfully for a moment then reaches down and wraps my hand around the cylindrical container, "Keep it," she says genuinely, "it's your memories after all. You never know when you might need them." She smiles sweetly, her hand lingering on mine. A moment passes before she pulls away awkwardly and flies back over to the other side of the sleigh.

I smirk to myself, flipping my baby teeth in the air casually before sliding it back into the front pocket of my hoodie.

"Careful with that thing, will ya?" Bunny warns, begrudgingly pressed back into the seat across from me. "Last thing we need is thousand year old teeth blowing into our faces up h'ere."

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