Tooth Palace

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Before we head out of the room I re-frost over everything, making sure an extra thick icy layer covers everything so I could detect change if this happens again. When we reach the elevator it is just arriving at our level from below, carrying several elves and two yetis. "Well?" North questions the yetis as the elves just scatter, "Any problem in boiler room? Any heating issues to report?"

They grunt unintelligibly but even I can understand when they shake their heads 'no'. "Jack, is it okay if they take a look over your room again for problem?" he gestures at the yetis.

I shrug, "Yeah, I've got nothing worth looking at in there anyway," I say passively. The yetis then push past me and towards my room.

North laughs, "Ah, let us eat some dinner; you will stay, will you not?" he pats my back as we get in the elevator down.

I lean on my staff, "I was actually thinking about visiting Tooth..."

North grabs me tightly around the shoulders with his arm, "Ah, I see! Well you go on then," he shoves me when the elevator stops, "You should come back afterwards and we'll figure out what happened to your room, yes?" He smiles, his rosy cheeks glowing as usual. "Now go on, I won't keep you back longer, go!"

So with a wave I walk out the door and catch a gust of wind to take me to the Tooth Palace.

Moss covered mountains loom at my sides as the palace comes into view; the setting sun illuminating just the tops and scattering sun beams between them, causing a violet glow against the orange streaming light. As I near, more and more of Tooth's fairies swirl around me, chirping happily. By the time I touch down in the palace I'm sure Tooth is well aware of my approach thanks to her ever vigilant and chatty fairies.

But even with a noisy entrance, it couldn't distract Tooth from being the center of action. The flits from place to place, overseeing everything. The fairies leave my side and surround Tooth, chirping and pointing in my direction. Her violet eyes lock on mine and she gasps with joy; she flies to me and nearly knocks me over with her hug, "Jack! Oh my gosh, how are you? It's been too long; you should have visited earlier, especially when you left so suddenly at the North Pole. Do you like being a Guardian?" she asks excitedly, but she suddenly sobers, "Is something wrong?" she says as she studies my face.

"What, no; why would you say that? Can't I just come and visit without something being wrong?" I accuse jokingly, but her wide eyes narrow.

She blinks then shakes her head, as if to push away her previous statement. "I-I don't know, it just seemed like something was troubling you for a second; it's in your eyes" she comments as her light hand traces a line down my cheek.

I automatically avert my eyes from hers, "No, nothing is wrong, really. And I'm still sorry for leaving like that before."

Her hands drop to her sides from around my shoulders, "No, don't be, I completely understand." She gestures for me to follow her to the center of the palace so she can carry on her work. At the same moment a few fairies fly up carrying a tray with a kettle and cups, and biscuits. She bends down and thanks them, taking it to a table off to the side, "Come, Jack!" she invites, her face lighting up, "You must try this Nectar tea and biscuits my fairies have prepared; it is absolutely heavenly." She distributes two of the lightly browned, hexagon shaped biscuits to each of us, and pours the golden liquid from the kettle into our separate cups, dripping some onto the table, "Sorry, we haven't had guests in a while." She wipes up the spill but is seemingly lost in thought, "In fact, I can't remember the last time we had a real guest here at the tooth palace...hmm, oh well." She giggles and smiles widely, "We usually just all hang out at North's the few times we actually get together." She takes a sip of her tea and sighs with satisfaction. "Well come on, sit down and enjoy." She encourages.

She motions for me to sit down in the latticed, rich green, metal chairs. I take my seat, setting my staff on the ground next to me. I usually don't eat anything, ever; I have no reason to. I can't remember the last time I did eat, but I can't tell Tooth. I pick up the teacup with both hands, feeling the warmth through the cup. The emanating heat worries me slightly so I set it back down for now and decide to take a bite of the biscuit first. It is slightly crisp on the outside but is soft within. I chew it carefully, a little out of practice, and swallow it all at once, causing me to have to let out a cough. Tooth's eyes turn from addressing her fairies to me, questioning. I smile and nod to assure her I'm fine and she turns back to her fairies.

I pick up the cup once again, and when I'm sure Tooth is distracted, I blow on it gently, causing a dramatic drop in temperature of the cup's contents. I sip the newly chilled tea, the sweet and smooth flavour spreading across my tongue. I drink some more, "Tooth," I call her attention, "this tea is delicious."

She smiles, "Here, have some more then!" she lifts the teapot eagerly, about to pour more, when she stops short. She looks up from my cup and gives me a look. Confused, I look down at the ice cube the remainder of the tea in my cup has become in my frosted over cup. She smirks, "Is there something you want to tell me?"

I laugh awkwardly, "Uh, the tea is delicious... but a little hot for my taste." a coy smile spreading across my face.

She laughs in a way that reminds me of flowers blooming, "Why didn't you just say so? I understand." She pours more tea in my cup and I feel free to chill it down before I take another sip. 

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