What now?

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"What? You really 'tink that Mother had a hand in all this?" North stares at me, dumbfounded.

I shake my head in disbelief, "I- I'm not sure, but either she was there at the Tooth Palace with who did it, or she's the one who did it herself." I start pacing.

"That is a bold statement, Jack; how can we prove it? Everyting will be against us, and all we have is your word."

My head jerks up, "Tooth!" I exclaim, "Tooth can help vouch, she was there. We should go there now and you can see the tree!" I start running towards the sleigh, North following me.

We arrive at the tooth palace not much later, Tooth comes to greet us as we land. "Guys! I heard you met with Mother Nature? How did that go?" she asks, flittering around the sleigh as we get out.

"Well, good and bad." North explains as he jumps out.

Tooth's face falls a bit, "What? What happened?"

North begins to explain while I fly over to the tree, his words fade as I near the tree in question. I touch down in front of it, but see nothing. I take a step back, looking around but knowing this is the tree. I run my hand along the pristine surface, no scars, no words, nothing.

North and Tooth catch up with me looking dumbfounded at the tree. "This can't be right. Tooth, wasn't it right here?!" I turn and ask her, but I can tell by the look in her eyes that she's just as shocked as I am. "Do your trees self-heal or something?" she shakes her head.

North moves past her to me, "Jack, this isn't looking good for us."

"I-It was right here, I swear! Tooth," I look to her for back up.

He lays a hand on my shoulder, "Jack, I believe you, don't worry, that's not our problem." he looks up to the tree, "If anything I think this occurrence enforces the idea that Mother is the one behind this. What I am worried about is where we go from 'ere.

"She is more powerful than us combined, this proves it." he gestures towards the unscathed bark. "But no one will help us without solid proof, and what little we had is now gone."

"Bunny and Sandy will help! They'll believe us, they have to." Tooth suggests, flitting up to North.

"Yes, yes, they are close friends, but Mother Nature, well, she is everything. She's been around longer than any of us have, much longer. She is the strongest of us all."

Jack laughs, "Well, aren't we the 'Guardians'? Doesn't that give us some credibility?"

North chuckles, "Yes, but not enough, no one is the right mind would go against Mother."

"Maybe we just need to find out why she's after Jack. Maybe this is all just a big misunderstanding!" her hopeful smile strained.

He nods, "It is a start..."

"But I've done nothing to her!" Jack says defensively, "I only met her just now, except for, I guess, the times she tried to kill me." he adds in a sarcastic tone.

North lays a hand on his shoulder, "It's a start." he reiterates, "I'll call in Bunny and Sandy; there's work to be done.






comment and vote if you want more :) i'm glad to do it if you want it

Rise of the Guardians 2 - After the EndWhere stories live. Discover now