Chapter 2

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"Liza are you okay?" Micheal had hold of my shoulders, crouched over me, trying to look in my eyes.

My face was blank. I felt like i was paralyzed. I just kept staring ahead. Even after the tears started down my face again I was still blank.

"Liza, look at me your safe now, it's okay!" Micheal was screaming at me.

"Micheal, is she okay?" I heard Lilly ask.

I took in a raspy breath. I tried to keep breathing, but it hurt too bad.

"Liza come on, It's okay now it won't happen again."

He sat crossed leffed behind me and pulled me into his lap. We just sat there with him stroking my hair. He held me tightly with his other arm. It hurt because his arm was across my ribs. I leaned back into him and sighed, content to be in his arms. I don't know how much time passed, but it was quite a while. Lilly finally came in and told us lunch was ready. He slid me off his lap, and when I didn't move he picked me up and sat me on the bed. After about 30 minutes his mom came in to check on me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

I just shook my head.

"Do you want some comfort?"

I nodded once. She came over and put her arms around me. I threw mine around her, and started crying.

"It's okay, sweetheart. You know maye I should go find Micheal and bring him back."

"What do you mean?" I croaked.

"He felt it was his fault and you would be safer without him so he left."

"What! No, I need him!"

"Tell him that yourself."

"How?" I gasped.

"Your telepathic abilities. Just think about sending him a message. Then think what you want to say.

"Micheal, I am so sorry. I was just so scared. It's not your fault you were watching me closely it just scared me. I thought heas going to kill me, and it terrified me that's all. Please come back, I need you." Tears started streaming down my face when I got his response.

I can't you will be in even more danger."

I screamed. I started screaming and crying while contacting im.

"Will you ever come back? Please don't do this to me, don't please."

His mother contacted him.

"What are you doing, your breaking her heart, don't you see that. You're no son of mine!"

"You see the pain you've cause us 'princess' why don't you leave me and my family and never come back."

I started sobbing, it hurt but I couldn't help it.

"What did he say to you?"

I just shook my head, went to my dresser, started yanking out my clothes my parents brought me. I stuffed them in the duffle bag. I stormed down the stairs and out the front door. I called to Kalab.

"Come get me, I will be at the park. I'm all yours."

I walked to the park and sat there waiting for him. When I saw him I stood and walked to meet him.

"Aren't we leaving?" I asked him.

"I am going to wait and see if your boyfriend will come and save you."

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