Chapter 4

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'Liza, come on, do you want to be late for your own wedding? Wake up!" Lilly came in screaming. She looked pretty amusing, she was wearing an under dress with her hair in curlers. I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?"

She stomped out of the room. So I crawled out of bed, put on an under dress, then pulled on my wedding dress. By then Lilly came in completely dressed and ready to go. She did my makeup, hair, and straightened my dress.

"What are we going to do about the bruises?"

"We will cover them up with make up the best we can."

"I guess." I said sadly.

"Is something wrong Liza?"

"No." I lied.

There was something wrong. My best friend wasn't going to be there. He said he had better things to do than watch me marry Micheal.

"You're lying Liza, I can always tell."

"No! Nothing's wrong!" I screamed.

Lilly pulled back, shocked.

"I am so sorry Lilly."

"It's alright, today is a stressful day."

"Where are Micheal and I going for our honeymoon again?"

"To the palace."

"Oh, right."

"Come on, Michael just left we need to get in the car and go to the park."

My grandmother rented a limo to take us to the park. We sat in the limo there until we heard the music. Then I got out of the limo and walked down the aisle to the elaborate tent that was set up for the ceremony. It went by very quickly, before I knew it we were walking across the park to the reception structure.

The first person I noticed was my best friend. He at least came to my reception. He saw Micheal but he continued walking. When he got over to us Micheal told him to leave. Micheal and his family hated Luke, so he obeyed.

After about 5 minutes we heard squealing tires and the crash of two cars colliding. We looked over to the parking lot and I saw Luke's car crumpled from the collision. Everything seemed to go in slow motion after that.

I squirmed out of Micheal's hand and ran toward the wreckage. I was crying and running as fast as I could. It seemed to take forever, like I was running so slowly. When I reached the edge of the parking lot, two hands grabbed me around the waist and kept me from going farther. The hands pulled me back in to their body and then that person wrapped his arms around my waist and held me to him. Luke's car caught fire, and the arms released me to spin me around to face the man that was holding me. It was Micheal, I started hitting and kicking him trying to get him to let me go.

"Let me go!" I was sobbing. "This wouldn't have happened if you had let him stay!"

"Liza stop!" Micheal pleaded. "Stop before you say something that you might regret, something that will hurt us both!"

"I could have saved him! But you let him die! You wanted him to die! Why didn't I listen to him when he told me not to marry you!"

"No, you couldn't have saved him."

"Yes! I had time!"

"No! You would've been caught in the fire! I couldn't let that happen."

The fire department had finally arrived, followed by an ambulance and police.

The police came over to us after they put out the fire and had the other driver on his way to the hospital.

"There was do driver in the other car, he must have got out somehow, but it's not possible he should've been pinned."

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