Chapter Six

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I started waking up and discovered I was in a hospital again.

"Micheal! Micheal!" I was screaming and kicking.

"Whoa Liza, stop, stop, you're okay!"

"It hurts!"

"I know."

"Make it stop, please!" I cried.

"I wish I could baby."

"Luke, where is Luke?"

"I'm here Liza." he croaked like he had been crying.

"Are you crying?"

"Yes, I hurt you!"

"It's alright!"

"No it's not!" He shouted. Not wanting to argue, I ignored him.

"Micheal, when can I go home?"

"When we leave the hospital we will be going to the palace. We will never see that little house again. Lilly is already packing our stuff."

"Okay, that still doesn't answer my question. When can I go home?"

"In a few hours."


Then I fel asleep. I was in a very deep sleep and had a horrible nightmare.

Micheal and Lilly were tied up to posts in a basement, screaming in pain. I wanted to reach them so bad but I couldn't move.

"Liza wake up! Wake up!" both Micheal and Luke were screaming at me.

"What did you see Liza?" Micheal asked.

"You and Llly were screaming. I don't know why, you woke me up before I could find out."

"It might have been a good thing you didn't see." He said.

"Come on it's time to go home." Said Luke.

"By home you mean the palace right?"


"Liza, we have two suits at the palace, they are connected by a door. I figure we will use one of them for something else." Said Micheal.

"Okay, Maybe a nursery, if we ever have a child."


We arrived at the palace hours later.

"Oh," I said speechless. "It's gorgeous."

"Yes, it, it's beautiful." Gasped Lilly looking up at the tallest tower.

Micheal and I were in our suit unpacking, when there was a knock on my door. Micheal looked in my eyes, scared.

"The servants are not supposed to bother us for a few hours unless we ask them for something."

"Who could it be?" I mouthed back. "Lilly and Luke weren't going to bother us for a few hours either, unless it was an emergency."

Micheal walked over to the door and opened it to find a panicked Lilly.

"I didn't know what to do!" She exclaimed shifting nervously on her feet.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

But she had already taken off down the hall.

"I have to get back to him!" She had squeaked.

I shot off after her with Micheal trailing me. We followed her into her suit. Then I heard gasping and she fled the room again, but the gasping continued. I walked cautiously around the corner. I almost screamed when I saw him. Luke was crumpled on the floor clutching his throat and gasping for air.

Lilly popped back in. "I don't know what happened, he walked in here and was fine, then the next moment he was on the floor like that."

I ran and dropped ot my knees at his side. I started trying to blow air into his lungs. It wouldn't work, his throat had collapsed. It was closed so tightly I couldn't get a small breath of air into his lungs.

"Micheal!" I half sobbed, half screamed. Not wanting to give up on Luke I continued trying to blow air into his lungs, though it was difficult with him struggling, trying to get air.

"Lilly, did he have anything to drink in here?" Micheal asked.

"Yes, he had a drink of water out of that pitcher in the refrigerator."

Micheal could smell poisons that people normaly couldn't smell. He went over to the fridge, pulled out the pitcher of liquid. Something startled him, and he dropped the pitcher and ran to the stove. He pulled a pot out of the cupboard and started putting things in it.

"It is a very fatal potion. Even the scent of it is enough to choke someone. I am trying to make the antidote before it starts to take effect on me. You girls will have to take it too because I dropped the pitcher."

He finished making the potion, gave some to us and to Luke, but there wasn't enough left for him. The poison started taking effect on him. He was gasping while shouting orders at me to make the antidote. Then he quit talking and he was dying right there in front of me. I couldn't move anymore, I was afraid I was going to lose him. The only direction I could move was toward him. I crouched on the floor next to him. He grabbed my shoulders and looked into my eyes and I knew that was it. I flung myself over him and started crying. Lilly had taken over on the antidote, but I knew, I just knew it wasn't going to be ready soon enough. I knew he was going to die there with me by his side.

So Much For A Normal LifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz