Chapter Seven

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Limp arms were across me. I was crying and I held my eyes tightly shut. I didn't want to see him dead. Then I realized that the arms that held me were strong not limp, I tried to lift my head but a hand pushed me back into Micheal's shoulder.

"Lay still you're hurt." The voice was kind and soft just as Micheal's had been.

"Will she be alright Micheal?" Lilly asked.

Tha was when it hit me that those strong arms were Micheal's arms and that hand was Micheal's hand and the voice was Micheal's. I tried to get up and look at him, to make sure. But I cried out in pain when I moved.

"Liza please don't move!" Micheal said. "You've been severely hurt."

"What happened?" i gasped. I realized by feeling around me I was lying face down on a bed.

"When you were kneeling by me Kalab looked back in and shot you three times in the back. You got lucky they weren't close to your spine."

"It's starting to hurt alot." I gasped.

Micheal was sitting on the bed leaning over me. Then I heard the suit door open and shuffling footsteps.

"Is she awake yet?" a voice asked.

"Yeah, she just woke up a few minutes ago." said Luke.

"May I ask you two boys to leave the room for a minute or two. I need to talk to Liza alone."

I heard the shuffling of feet and the suit door opening and closing again. Then I saw the man sit in a chair in my view next to the bed.

"Liza I need to talk to you about something very important."

"Yes." I gasped.

"Well, after you being shot I am very worried about the health of your baby."

"What baby?"

"You're pregnant Liza."

"Oh my goodness, will it be okay?"

"You will have to take it easy for a few days and it might be."

"Does Micheal know about the baby?"

"No, I thought you would like to tell him."

"Yes, I would, thank you."

"You're very welcme Liza."

"Um, when will I be able to get up and move around?"

"Probaby tomorrow, I will have to see you before you go moving though."

"Thank you so much."

"Liza wake up! The doctor is here to see you."

I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep after the doctor left. So Micheal still didn't know about the baby.

"Hello Liza, How does your back feel?"

"Fine, it hurts a little but not too much."

He examined my back. Then stood back up.

"Liza why don't you try rolling over and give me your hand."


I rolled over on my back. There was a little pressure but not much. I gave the doctor my hand and he helped me to my feet.

"Well is there any pain?"

"No there was a little pressure on my back when I rolled over but otherwise no pain."

"You are free to get up and move around, just take it easy."

"Alright thank you so much doctor."

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