Yui's Dream and Date

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Third Person's PoV

'Huh...w-where am I?'

"Yui...Yui..." someone called her.

"Who...Who are you?" She asked, shivering a bit. It's so cold here.

"I'm yo---"

"U-umm..w-what? I...I can't hear you..p-please say it again."


"He's your...Yui!"

"Umm...w-what?" Yui asked, wrapping her arms around her. 'It's gotten colder..'

"I'm sorry....you will know when the time comes..."

"H-huh?" was all she can say before she was engulfed by water.


"Chichinasi! Hey! Wake up!" yelled Ayato, waking the girl violently.

"B****-chan, wake up!"

"Uhh...Nnng.." She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Ayato, his face close to hers.

She blushed, as Ayato looked away after their eyes locked.

"O-oh...A-Ayato-Kun, w-what is it? W-why are you here?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

Ayato rubbed the back of his head. "Well..I---"

"Good morning to you, too, B****-chan," Laito said, cutting Ayato off.

The said boy glared at him. He only chuckled.

"Ah..oh...ohayou, Laito-kun. I'm sorry I didn't see you.."Yui apologized, bowing her head down.

"Hmph! You hurt me, b****-chan. Well, I'll forgive you if you obey my every command just this day." He said, holding her hand as he smirked at her.

Then his hand was slapped away by Ayato. "Don't dare touch her again! She's mine, got it?"

Laito just chuckled even more. 'It's so fun to tease him. What a possessive b*st*rd he is.'

"Fine. Fine. I'll let you two be. Just don't forget about breakfast, 'kay?" He said, chuckling. " Bye-bye, b****-chan~ See you later! *winks*"

It earned him a growl from the other vampire. He then left the room thinking of ways to tease his brother more.

When the door closed with a slight thud, Ayato sighed. 'Good. He's gone. I'll teach him a lesson later.'



"Did something happened in your sleep?" he asked, as Yui frowned a little.

"Y-yes. I had a nightmare, I think." She said, shivering again.

"Care to tell me what it is about?"

"W-well...I'm in some kind of white space and it's so cold there. Someone is calling me but I can't understand nor hear what it is he/she is saying. Then another voice appeared and told me something but apparently, I cannot hear it, too. The other voice told me that I will know what they are talking about 'when the time comes' then suddenly a large mass of water engulfed me and I woke up." she said, trying to wrap her arms around her to stop herself from shivering.

Ayato noticed her shivering and pulled her close to him, hugging her.

"Don't worry, Chichinasi. I'm here and we will find out what that meant. Now change your clothes."

"O-okay. W-why?" She asked, stuttering a little but blushing madly.

"We will go to the garden and have a picnic there."

"O-okay.." she said, blushing.

He then left her to prepare, but not before giving her a grin.

In return, she smiled at him sweetly and hurried to the bathroom once the door closed.

After bathing, she went to her drawer and get her dress.

She brushed her hair put a clip on it and wore her pink flat shoes.

After preparing, she went outside and found Ayato waiting for her.

' This day is going to be wonderful with Ayato-Kun by my side!'



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