VIII. Relief

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Relief is something that comes down on you all of a sudden like a shower of good feelings.

It washes over you in big huge waves, all at once, filling up your entire being from head to toe.

You know how you feel when you eat your favorite cookies with chocolate and ice cream on the side, after being hungry for a while? That's exactly what relief feels like.

It feels like your heart has been opened and all your sadness has been taken away, even if it's only temporary. It feels like the sun has finally started shining, after days and days of heavy rain and thunderstorms.

It appears after you've had a really bad time, in the form of a tap on the shoulder, a smile on a face, a deep conversation with someone you love. 

Well, maybe not someone you love, but you know what I mean.

You ever felt like someone dug into you and took away all the bad stuff and you can now go to bed in peace? You just experienced relief, my friend.

Well, you're not technically my friend – nobody is, really (other than the girl, maybe) – because you're just a stranger, so I know nothing about you: you may be a murderer for all I know.

But anyway, relief is a good feeling. It's powerful, but in a good way. 

It feels like a huge weight being taken off your shoulders. Like everything can and will be alright someday. Like you're finally gonna be okay.

I hope I'll finally be okay.

Maybe she'll help me.


Maybe she will.

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