Chapter 1

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Jade's POV:

My first day of secondary school. I'm so nervous. I'm a first year. I wonder if I'll make any friends?

**Later that Day**

"Hi, I'm Allison. Allison Mooney. What's your name?"

"I'm Jade Thompson. It's nice to meet you, Allison,"

"It's nice to meet you too, Do you wanna hang out with me and a couple friends?"

"Yea, sure," I smile.

*2 Months Later*

"FAITH!!!" I shout down the corridor and run towards her, "It feel's like I haven't seen you in FOREVER!" I say dramatically and hugging her.

"It's been 2 days, get over it," Faith's twin brother, Fitz says walking past.

Well, someone's in a mood, you on your period Fitz?" I call after him, I turn to Faith, "What's up with him?"

"He woke on the wrong side of the house. Literally," She replys," Basically he was sleep walking again, he ended up on the top branch of the tree in my garden. Turns out he stayed there. This morning he fell out and that's how he woke up. So he's pissed today. Umm... if I were you I'd stay away from him today," She says. I immediately turn to say Hi and knock some sense into the other twin.

"Hey, Fitz," I say. He jumps and turns quickly, knocking me over in the process.

"Oh crap, sorry Jade," he says, helping me up.

"Nice going dumb ass," James snarls.

Ok, so Faith and Fitz are twins, Fitz being the older by 2 minutes twin. They have 2 older brothers Paul and James. Paul is a year and a half older than the twins and James is 5 years older than them. Paul goes to a different school and James goes to the same. They have a 11 year older sister called isabelle.

"Shut up James," Fitz snarl's back.

The bell rings signalling for us to go to class. Faith walks up to us.

"What's our first class?" She asks.

"English," Fitz and I say at the same time. We burst into laughter and head to English.


I'm soooo Excited to be writing this story finally!

Make sure you've read The secret's in School before reading further in this book pleasee!



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