Chapter 3

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*a few week's later*
Rachel's POV
**Lunch Time**
I was standing with Jade and Faith waiting for the others who were at their lockers.
The first to finish was Richard. He walked up and stood next to Faith looking down the corridor at the four other's who were still to join.
"It's ok take your time, we'll just be busy, graduating perhaps!" He yelled down the corridor at them, sarcasm dripping from every word he had said.
"Calm the clams. You need some patience," faith says laughing
I look at Jade and Jade looks at me.
"Just have a little... Patience," we burst into song, I immediately stop and Jade keeps singing.
"I'm still hurting from a L..." Before she could continue, Fitz was behind her and put his hand in her mouth. Jade became panicked and struggled to get out of Fitz's grasp.
Alex walked up and looked so mad. Ah... Yea "Jalex" was a thing and it's soooo ADORABLE!! Sooo... If they were a thing why was I jealous of the scene in front of me. I pushed passed Alex, Richard and Faith. I run he the girls bathroom. I locked myself in for a good 5 minutes when I heard a knock on the stall door.
I stood up and calmed myself.
"Yes, who is it..?" I said shakily.
"Hey, Rachel, it's Lizzie, Mona and Hanna," Mona says
"Jade told us you'd run off to the bathrooms and they thought they had upset you," Lizzie says worriedly.
"Yea, that's why her and Faith didn't come in to talk to you," Hannah says concern in her voice.
I open the door, put on a smile and look at them. " no, I just thought I had a bit of a problem, but it's sorted," I say smiling at them.
"Ok, you gonna hang out with us?" Lizzie asks.
" yeaaasss..." I say enthusiastically.

Jade's POV
When I had started singing I didn't stop until a hand was clamped around my mouth. I panicked and struggled.
"Calm down, Jade," it was Fitz. He whispered in my ear still not letting go. Alex came into view and Rachel stormed past us.
Fitz let go of me and I turned on my heals quickly. Rachel was running down the corridor to the bathrooms. Did we upset her? What happened?
"What the hell was that Fitz? Are you flirting with my girlfriend?" Alex started yelling anger dripping from his voice.
"Dude, calm down, I was stopping her from singing some stupid sappy love song," Fitz says calmly.
"Don't dude me!! I seen you whisper in her ear! TOU ENJOYED EVERY BUT OF THAT! JUST ADMIT IT!" Alex yells again.
"Alex, calm down. Fitz wasn't flirting. He's my friend, he doesn't like me I don't like him like that. I mean I'm your girlfriend so you should know who I like," I say reassuringly.
"So you two hug and make..." I get cut off before I can finish my sentence.
"And make out!!" Richard shouts laughing.
"Um... no make up... hug and make up," I finish trying not to laugh.
Alex and Fitz bro-hug.
"I'm so sorry Jade but this is a BROMANCE. ALITZ OR FLEX...FALEX maybe ?? Pick people!"
Faith says laughing historically.

Fitz's POV
Ok so maybe I enjoyed it a bit but I want flirting I honestly was trying to shut her up. Only people she can sing really well and therefore I couldn't stand to listen to her and it makes me zone out and think of her.


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