Chapter 4

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*text messages*
J- Jade
F- Faith

J- Hey, Faith
F- Hi wuu2?
J- Dying inside + crying in bed, in pj's curled up in a ball txtin u :'(
F- What's wrong?
J- Alex broke up with me :'(
F- ok, he's dead!!
J- Leave it
J- I need a best friend, comfort weekend.
F- your staying at my house NO IF'S ANDS IR BUTS!! We'll eat sweets and ice-cream and stay up late! OK!!?
J- ok :'(

Faith's POV:
"FITZ, the sweets are mine! Leave them alone!" I scold.
"Why do you need all this food anyways? Are you getting ready for gubernatorial again??" He says puzzled.
"No, and I'm having jade over. Ummmm... Alex... Umm... Broke up with her" I say quietly. The ship has sailed and is leaving the harbour. :'(
"Ok, so I'm going to break his face," he looked angry and sounded serious.
"NO! Jade said to leave it." I say.
"Why didn't she tell me?" He says confusion written across his face.
"Well she's at the stage where she thinks all guys are and I quote 'absolutely stupid idiot f***tards' " I say.
"Oh... What will you'd be talking about?" He says.
"Nothing much we were gunna watch a film but don't know what type. It can't be Romantic or a comedy," I say thinking.
"HORROR!" Fitz suddenly shouts.
"Um... How about... NO!" I say back.
"Well at least, it will take your mind off of killing Alex and jades mind off of him," he says simply.
"Ughhh... FINE! What horror?" I ask.
"Ouija, it's not too scary," he says again.
"Ok fine, Jade will be here soon so ground rules!!!
•You get out of the room when told.
•You knock before entering.
•No annoying us or scaring us.
•Don't upset Jade. " I finish.
"Wait... Where is Jade sleeping tonight?" He asked.
"My bed I'll sleep on the floor or the sofa or sumthin..." I answer simply.
"I'll sleep on the sofa you can take my bed ok?" Fitz says sweetly.
"Aww... Thanks can I move it next my bed so that me and Jade can talk during the night but not disturb you?" I ask batting my eyes.
" yea... Here I'll help,"

Sorry for the wait! I am in an important exam year and have not had enough time to update but I going to start making time to update at least once a week for ALL of my books.
Hope you enjoyed!!

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