Chapter 1: New School

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Korras POV:
I hated it every time I moved to a new school. The same thing always happens, I don't make friends and I get left behind, and then I have to start all over! This time it's in the city... What could be worse, I can't bend here there isn't enough space... Ugh. Oh well. Today is the day of humilliation. I might as well enjoy it. At least I'll get some attention. The school was huge with Republic City High School written on the front of the building. Underneath the writing was four symbols. Air, Water, Earth, and Fire. For the four nations. I walked in with the rest of the students and got a few glares but nothing to bad. I had my schedual in my hand as I walked to class. I took a quick glance at it while I walked around a corner and I ran into someone and fell to the ground. Papers skattered everywhere. I rubbed the back of my head as I tried to find all of the papers.
"Oh my god, are you okay? I'm so sorry I didn't mean to here let me help you." I looked up to see who was talking to me and I saw a beautiful raven haired girl with the prettiest emerald green eyes I have ever seen. She was stunning. She bent down to help me pick up my papers and I spoke softly.
"Oh, um... No it's cool. Y-you don't have to help!" I stuttered over almost every word.
"No I insist I should've been paying attention." She picked up the last of my papers and handed them to me. "Hey, I've never seen you before... Are you new around here?"
"Uh, yeah. I just moved it's my first day." I blushed when she held out her hand to help me up.
"Well where are you going I can show you the way!"
"Um..." I took a look at my schedual and then spoke again, " I'm going to history in room 205?"
"Awesome! That's where I'm going, c'mon! It'll be fun, Mr. Tenzin is really boring but he's a great teacher." She took my hand as she continued to talk. I couldn't believe it... This beautiful girl before me, was holding my hand... This was going to be a great day.

Asami's POV:
I was talking to my friend Bolin, when I rounded a corner and bumped into someone, I imidiately looked down and saw the most gorgeous girl on the ground, her short brown hair and her dark skin. She was amazing. And I had just knocked her over.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to here let me help you." I knelt down and began to pick up her papers, after about a minute she spoke softly.
"Oh, um... No it's cool. Y-you don't have to help!" She was nervous. I could tell.
"No, I insist I should've been paying attention." I was careful with my words. I handed her back her papers and stared at her for a little. Then spoke. "Hey, I've never seen you before. Are you new around here?"
"Uh yeah, I just moved it's my first day." She blushed and I smiled. She was really cute and interesting.
"Well where are you going I can show you the way!" I said cheerfully and a huge smile spread across the girls face. She looked at her schedual and then spoke again.
"Um... I'm going to history in room 205?" I smiled and grabbed her hand.
"Awesome! That's where I'm going, c'mon! It'll be fun! Mr. Tenzin is really boring but he's a great teacher!" I just kept rambling on and before anything happened I knew today would be great.

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