Chapter 1

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I was brought out of my sleep when an ear piercing scream met my ears. I jumped out of my bed and followed the scream, running. I stopped in front of the door and immediately opened it to find my 13 year old sister- Lea sitting in front of her lap top. When she noticed I was in her room, she tilted her head slightly to the side , her eyebrows raising.

“What are you doing here Andrea?” I gave her an incredulous look.

“What do you mean ‘What are you doing here’? You’re the one who was screaming murder! I thought there was something wrong!” I yelled at her, pressing my hand against my hear feeling it racing against my chest.

“Oh no no no my dear sister. Nothing is wrong. In fact, something is right!” She told me gleefully “You know my favourite band ‘Collapse’?” I nodded and sighed. Sadly I did. She was like their personal stalker. Lea knew every silly little detail about the members of that band and wouldn’t stop talking about them. “Well they have announced that they are going to try out public school! And guess which lucky school they will be attending!”

“Lea I really don’t-“

“Carlton High!” She squealed in joy. Carlton High? I go to Carlton High... Oh God no…

“Lea please tell me that there’s another high school called Carton High,” I begged to my sister. If what she was saying was true, then school would get even more annoying for me. She laughed but stopped when she saw I was serious.

“You’re serious? They are like the best band even Andy! You should be jumping off the walls with excitement!” I shook my head lightly.

“I don’t see what’s so special about them is all,” It’s true. They were just a band of five boys writing lovey dovey songs and who prance around on stage when in concert. Lea eyes widen and her jaw fell open.

“WHAT?!” She screeched and I had to restrain myself from protecting my ears with my hands. “How can you say that and be calm? Wait, scratch that. How can you even say that?!” I shrugged.

“Not everyone has to like them Lea,” I stated, turning on my heals and walking out of her room.

“Well you’re going to have to start liking them because they start school in about 3 days!” She called after me. I groaned. 3 days? That means they start on Monday. Yay…


I walked into school Monday morning and everyone was already gossiping about Collapse. I wanted to slam my head against my locker repeatedly. The weekend had sadly gone by fast. Most of it was spent doing homework, cleaning the house, and hoping my mom would come home. She didn’t.

I looked at my reflection in my little locker mirror. My long black hair was done in a side braid, I had on only minimum make up: mascara, foundation and powder, I was wearing a band t-shirt with denim skinny jeans. My look finished off with my studded combat boots.

“Andy!” I turned around to see my best friend Shaelynn running towards me, a big smile plastered on her face.

“Hey Shae!” I hugged her.

“OMG they’ll be here soon! I can’t believe the band Collapse is coming to our school! Can you believe it Andy?!” She squealed, looking as if she could jump up and down for 30 minutes strait. I scoffed and closed my locker.

“Nothing special,” I muttered. Before she could react to my comment I waved told her I would see her at lunch and walked off to my first class; Music. It was my favourite class because we all shared the same passion in that class and obviously it was music. 

I walked into class, said hello to Ms. Harmony –Ironic, I know- and took my seat at the back.  Lucy, a girl who played the piano, greeted me.

“Hey Lucy! How are you?” She smiled at me, showing me her pearly white teeth.

“I’m great, thanks! Are you excited that the band Collapse is coming here? I even heard that one member of the band is in this class! Can you believe it?” I sighed inwardly. Good God not this again.  As I was about to reply, the bell rang and Ms. Harmony ushered us to take our seats.

“Now class, as you may have heard, we have five new students here-“She was cut off by squeals of joy and excitement. I rolled my eyes. After a couple of minutes, the fan girls calmed down, letting Ms. Harmony talk again.

“And we have two of the band members in this class!” As soon as she finished the sentence, she covered her ears. I did the same as soon as I heard the screams and squeals begin. They got even louder when two boys walked into the class. One looked to be around 6’ feet with sandy blond hair, warm brow eyes and tanned skinned. The second one had about the same height with dark brown hair and big green eyes. A smirk played on their lips as they looked around the class, checking out the girls in the room.

When their eyes landed on me, the only girl who wasn’t over joyed with their presence (excluding the teacher), the first boy whispered something to the other one and they started making their way over. I groaned inwardly. Why me?

“Hello, what’s your name?” The boy with sandy blond hair asked me in a husky tone. All the girls looked at us, well mostly glaring at me. I sighed.

“Do I have to tell you my name?” The boy’s mouth went slake, not expecting my response.

“Well why wouldn’t you want to tell me your name?” He said in a smooth voice.

“Because I don’t know you.” The boy next to him scoffed.

“Sure you don’t babe,” I rolled my eyes. Cocky bastards.

“I really don’t.” Their eyes went wide and gasps were heard around the room. They observed me for a minute before going to their seats, their movement almost robotic.

When the bell rung, I bolted out of the class room. For the rest of the morning that’s usually how my classes went. Turns out I had band members in all of my morning classes. The boys –I had learned their names were Chance Salvatore and Logan Preachment- was in music; Justin Salvatore was in Calculus, and Chance and Justin were in English. Isn’t that fun.

I walked into the lunch room and immediately spotted Shaelynn at our usual table.

“Hey Shae! What’s new?” She opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off. “If it’s about Collapse, don’t bother telling me,” She pouted and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Fine, be that way.” I chuckled.

“Ok I will,”

“Hey didn’t you text me in during class telling me you were going to see Ms. Harmony at lunch?” I nodded my head.

“Yeah, so?” She giggled, making me look at her quizzically

“Andrea, its lunch.”

“Shit!” I jumped out of my seat and scrambled out of the room. When I reached the music room, Ms. Harmony was there, sitting at her desk going through music sheets. I knocked on the door and walked in the room, sitting on top of her desk. She snapped her head up and looked at me as if saying ‘Get-your-butt-off-or-else’ and I reluctantly complied.

“Sorry I’m late! I completely forgot!” She shaked her head, sighing.

“You’re lucky I didn’t leave and locked the door, Andrea.”

“I know I know. And it’s Andy!” She chuckled slightly. After telling me that I had to be out before lunch was over, she left the room. I sat down on the piano bench and started playing ‘Perfect’ by Hedley and sang along, getting lost in the music.


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-Juby :)

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