Chapter 3

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“Oh my God, You’ll never guess who’s in my biology class!” Shae told me while I ate my salad. I gave her a blank stare and she sighed.

“Fine don’t guess, I’ll just tell you! It’s…….  Noah Henderwood!” I groaned. Just hearing his name irritated me. The guy was a total jerk! In all of the classes, he would arrive late, sit beside me, flirt with anyone who was a girl- even the teachers! - And would be rude to everyone else!

Synonym for noun Player: Noah Henderwood.

“Don’t get me started on that infuriating guy Shae, please.” She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“Andy! He is a totally hotty and is so sweet! He carried my book to class yesterday,” She told me, smiling at the thought. Dear Lord this is worse than I thought.

“Shaelynn, he is nothing but a brat who thinks he can get anything or anyone he wants because he is famous.” I snickered. “A boy band,”

“Whatever. He’s still hot.. Come to think of it, all five of them are hot,”

“Hey, everyone keeps saying they are five in the band yet I have only met four.” I stated and Shae nodded.

“Yeah Mark already graduated,” Before I could add anything the bell rang, letting us know that it was time to get back to classes. I made my way to the music room, seeing as it was my next class. I sat in my usual seat and waiting for the class to begging when Chance and Justin sat on each side of me.  When I pretended to not notice them, they cleared their throats. ‘Just ignore them and they’ll go away,’ I kept chanting to myself.  When it got to the point where they kept poking me, trying to get my attention, I snapped like a twig.

“What?!” The twins smirked at my reaction.

“Hi.” Chance said before turning around, giving me his back. I turned him back so he was facing me.

“You annoyed me for two minutes just so you could say ‘Hi’?”

“Yeah.” And once more I was looking at his back. I turned around to look at Justin only to see him smirking. I glared at him before I looked at the front of the room.

“Alright class, take a seat,” Ms. Harmony said as she walked in. “Today I am giving you a project!” I smiled. I always loved her projects. I eyed Lucy and she gave me the same look meaning we would pick each other as partners “But there’s a twist! I get to pick your partners” My eyes went wide. This was not good.

She took out a piece of paper- which I am assuming was the list.

“Ok let’s get this started! Jenny with Zach, Kayla with Joe, Lucy with Austin, Andrea with Justin, Ella with Chance…” I chocked on air. Me and Justin?! I looked over at Justin who was smiling like a stalked who had just seen his new target. Great. I caught Ms. Harmony looking at me, and I gave her a pleading look but she only waved me off while shaking her head.

“The project consists of you and your partner picking a song you both agree on and preform it on Monday. Since it’s Friday, that give you the weekend to practice. Now get to work,” Justin turned towards me smiling, showing me his pearly white teeth.

“So I was thinking that you could come over tonight so we could practice. And also tomorrow, if that’s ok with you?” I looked at him, stunned. The guy had a sweet side!

“Umm y-yeah sure,” I stuttered, making Justin smirk.

“I knew you couldn’t resist my charms,” I laughed a little at his words and shoved him playfully.

“Please, I’m the only one immune it seems,” The rest of the class was passed by with pleasantries and jokes.


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