Chapter 2

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I sighed as I walked down the empty hall. I had asked to go to the bathroom five minutes before the bell rang; I couldn’t take it anymore! Everywhere I went all I heard was ‘Collapse this’ or ‘Collapse that’ and gossip about the band members. Thank God it was the last class of the day.

I reached my locker and dumped the books I didn’t need in it. Just as I closed it, the bell rang.

“I see Logan!!!” I heard a high pitch voice scream and other screams and footsteps were heard, making my head snap up and my eyes widen at what I saw. There was literally a stampede of girls running in my direction.

“Shit!” I turned around and started running for my life, the fear of them stepping all over me coursing through my body. Suddenly, I felt my arm being pulled and in a second I found myself in the music room. The sound of the door closing echoed throughout the room. I turned around to see none other than Chance, Justin, and Logan watching me with big smirks on their lips.

“I must say, you’re a fast runner,” Logan commented causing me to roll my eyes and huff.

“Thanks. Now if you guys wouldn’t mind, I’ll be on my way now.” I tried to walk to the door but the three boys were blocking my way. I glared at them but they only smiled back. Justin raised his eyebrow in amusement.

“You really don’t like-“

“-us, don’t you?” Chance finished. I nodded. “Why?” They asked together. Creepy.

“Not everybody has to fall head over heels for you guys, you know that right?”

“We can dream can’t we?” I bit back a smile at Chance’s response.

“If you must know, I just don’t like your music. I don’t think you’re God’s nor do I like your group. Sorry,” I said ‘sorry’ in a sarcastic way. “Now I guess I will have to see you guys later,” I said as I pushed past them and walked out of the room. I stopped and took a few steps back so I could see them.

“Um… Thanks... I guess. For um... before...” I trailed off awkwardly. They seemed to have understood because the all nodded and smile. With that, I was off, heading home.


The minute I walked through the front door my sister had ambushed me, asking me millions of questions about Collapse . She was giving me a headache.

“LEA! Calm down!” I scolded her, which she completely ignored.

“Did you meet the band members? Did you get an autograph? Are they in any of your classes? Did you talk to them? Did they look at you? TELL ME!” She shouted while squeezing my arm- I’m sure she’s cutting off my blood circulation.

“I met Justin, Chance, and Logan; No I didn’t get an autograph; Yes they are in my classes; Sadly yes they talked to me and yes they looked at me,” She squealed in excitement before stopping abruptly and frowned.

“You didn’t meet Noah and Mark?” I tilted my head to the side.

“Are they also part of the band?” Lea gave me a blank stare and blinked.

“O.M.G Yes Andy! They are in the band.” I shrugged.

“Then no I did not meet them,” I walked to the kitchen and thought about what to make for supper. “Wanna order pizza?” I asked her.

“Already on it!” She called over her shoulder as she pulled the phone to her ear. Once she was done ordering sat in front of the tv. Lea found it was the right moment to continue pestering me about Collapse.

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